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REST API for DACLs Not Accurate

Level 10
Level 10

I don't open TAC cases for REST API issues because I don't have the time.  I am just posting to see if this is a known issue on 2.4 patch 6.


The current policy export XML file doesn't contain the contents of the DACLs (another issue that should get fixed) so I am trying to use the REST APIs to pull authorization profiles, tie them to DACL names and get the DACL contents. 


I can make the REST call to get all the authorization profiles:




I can then parse through that to get the IDs for each authorization profile and make calls to get the authorization profile contents:




In the results it will have the DACL name;


"daclName": "Vendor_DACL",


The DACL name is useless because you can't do a filter by name when you make a DACL REST query (another problem that should be fixed):




So now I am forced to do a Get-All on the DACLs and parse my way through the result.  Not a problem except the Get-All is busted and doesn't return all the DACLs.  The first indicator of the problem is:


"SearchResult": {
"total": 0,


Even though the query returned 20 DACLs to me.  Okay so it returned 20 DACLs out of my 110 DACLs maybe it is a paging issue.  If that were true there should be an HREF at the bottom of the output to the next page.  There is nothing for that.


Is this a known issue?


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