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Catalyst 9800 "No licenses in use"



I am running into unexpected behavior trying to integrate a catalyst 9800 controller with a smart licensing satellite.

The WLC is running 16.12.01s .


The issue is that the WLC appears REGISTERED/AUTHORIZED and even shows up on the satellite's inventory, but it does not consume any license. In the wlc licensing tab in the GUI i see the message "No licenses in use" (see screenshot).


Also, when running `sho license status` in CLI, i see the REGISTERED/AUTHORIZED state, but none of the dates show up (last renewal attempt, next renewal attempt...). I checked the time config on the wlc and the satellite and they both show the same time (and are synchronized with the same server).


Show license status output :

Smart Licensing is ENABLED

  Status: DISABLED

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED

  Type: Callhome

  Smart Account: SSMS UNI.LU
  Virtual Account: SSMS UNI.LU
  Export-Controlled Functionality: ALLOWED
  Initial Registration: SUCCEEDED on
  Last Renewal Attempt: SUCCEEDED on
  Next Renewal Attempt:
  Registration Expires:

License Authorization:
  Last Communication Attempt: SUCCEEDED on
  Next Communication Attempt:
  Communication Deadline:

Export Authorization Key:
  Features Authorized:


On the satellite i see the WLC in "product instances", but no license are consumed in the "licenses" tab.



Does anyone know this issue ? I have performed similar confiugration with catalyst 9300 running 16.9.4 and as far as a i can remember no additional steps were required after correctly configuring call-home and registration token.





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