01-10-2021 01:22 AM
I have 2 routers in 2 different AS. R1 is learning routes from the ospf 1 process. Some of these routes are tagged as 604 in OSPF. So, what I want to do it’s to advertise these tagged routes to R2 via BGP.
I thought it would be just as simple as to create a route map with the match tag 604 statement in one of its entries and then append this route map to the neighbour statement in the BGP process. However, I just discover, the match tag command is not supported in BGP (at least not in VIRL) because when I apply the route map to the neighbour statement in R1 I get the following message and notice that I am still receiving the whole of the ospf routing table from R1 when I check in R2 (
% "TAGGED" used as BGP outbound route-map, tag match not supported
% not supported match will behave as route-map with no match
Can someone suggest a way to advertise the ospf tagged routes to the neighbour R2 via BGP? I will also need to advertise a few more routes which are learnt from other BGP neighbours and the same OSPF process, but they are not tagged. These other routes are not many and can advertise them to the neighbour using a prefix-list or ACL.
R1 BGP process
router bgp 65321
bgp router-id
bgp log-neighbor-changes
timers bgp 10 30
neighbor remote-as 65322
neighbor remote-as 65323
address-family ipv4
redistribute connected
redistribute static
redistribute ospf 1 match external 1 route-map RTM-4_REDISTRIBUTE_OSPF-1
neighbor activate
neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor activate
neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor route-map ROUTES_IN_19216812681 in
neighbor route-map ROUTES_OUT_19216812681 out
default-information originate
This route map, has various entries, one of which has the match tag 604. However, it also has other entries matc hing other tags and ACLs taht I do not want to send to the neighbour.
Thank you in advance for your time.