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Announcing multiple ASN on one BGP peer

Level 1
Level 1


Hardware: ASR-9901-RP
Version: 7.1.3

We are an open fibre provider with several white-label ISPs. The problem or rather question we are facing right now is the following.
As we only have one border connection to internet at the moment and each of our white-label ISP have an ASN(3 different to be exact) is it possible to announce all three of these through one BGP-peer?
As we primarily are using Huawei on other locations and it is the first time we have come across this specific scenario I thought it'd be best to ask around here. 

Have been looking into local-as and is wondering if that would be a type of solution.

If you're not interested in solving my problems for me i would happily recieve pointers for me to investigate further.

Thank you in advance!

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