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Users encountering a 7 or 8 second delay when answering phone calls.

Level 1
Level 1

Some users in our org (seemingly at random) are encountering a 7 or 8 second delay when answering calls.

User1: Model 7841 - Delay on an external outbound call.

User2: Model 7841 -  Delay on an internal inbound call.

User3: Model 7841 - Delay on an external outbound call.

Call Manager: System version:

So, far the only common denominator, is that all the users have a model 7841 phone, but I've replaced User3's phone with a new phone & she encountered the issue again. I did also take User3's old 7841 phone & brought it to my desk & the 1st call I received from an internal number had the delay, but none after. 

I've got a TAC case open, but figure I'd check the community as well, incase someone else found a possible cause that I haven't seen.  Thanks

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