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Can an RV082 dedicate voip traffic to a t1, and split the rest to DSL?

Level 1
Level 1

Hello all,

I have been struggling to get this rv082 setup properly.

What I am trying to do is take two internet connections, a broadband & a T1, and dedicate them for specific tasks.

I have setup the IP's and Ranges of Ports for TCP/UDP to point to Wan2 (T1) for our VOIP applications; however all our traffic still routes through Wan1 (Broadband).

Both connections are setup with static IP's. I have tried doing Load Balancing with no luck. It seems that it doesnt bring up Wan2 untill wan1 fails. In fact, sometimes in status it will show that it doesnt even have an IP (but settings are correct).

Is there something that I am missing, or does this Rv082 not really support dedicated QoS/Directing like this, and is meant to be more of a backup solution?

If is cant, what should we be looking at? The Rv016 says it clearly can do this, but the directions look almost identical to the rv082.

If the RV082 can do this, could anyone please suggest what I may have setup wrong?

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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Moved this discussion from Technologies for Small Businesses to Small Business Routers

Thank you!

Message was edited by: Cindy Toy