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New RV320 "Connected (Inactive)" Need some help/advice!


I just purchased and received a new RV320 and it's having some really odd issues.  We only have a single WAN connection which is actually just an ethernet handoff from our provider on metro ethernet and I have a single IP address with a gateway.  On any other device this works great - all internet traffic flows out just fine.

The RV320, however, did this odd thing where it was passing traffic just fine and then after about 15 minutes or so it would say "Connected (Inactive)" and I could not pass traffic.

I am not using dual wan ports and don't plan to unless this is an absolute requirement of the device?  My connection is definitely not complex, it's actually really super simple so I wonder why it would keep going "inactive".

Is this because it is trying to use both WAN ports and can't? Is there a way to just shutdown or turn off the second WAN/DMZ port? If so, I didn't see it anywhere - - unless you can ssh into the device and do it there.

If I do decide to use both WAN ports to solve this issue, I can get a second IP address from my provider and a second port but it will be an IP in the same range as my current one and I'm not sure if the RV320 in Gateway mode will accept that or not?

Thanks for any help as I really was hoping this would work right out of the box!

69 Replies 69

Level 1
Level 1

Still seeing this issue. I've had a case open with a level two engineer for a week now, and am running alpha firmware withough luck.

The only way I can get the WAN1 connection to actually get an IP and go active is to reboot the cable modem first, and then the RV320.


My issue was solved by changing the setup for the port I am using as secondary. I set up WAN/DMZ port to "get ip address automatically"  The WAN/DMZ port is NOT WAN1, it is WAN2. WAN1 is the other port. The strange thing I notice is that that port sets itself up differently than I expected. In the system summary screen it show IP, default gateway:, default dns:

This setup actually works. I do not know why. I tried it with both Load Balance mode and Backup WAN mode and it works both ways. Maybe something to do with LAG? I haven't taken the time to check out the RFCs but it does work.

P.S. WAN/DMZ is WAN2. When I tried to setup that as my main WAN it would not work either. Same thing: "connected but not active" When I setup the other (WAN1) it worked with my static setup but my static setup on the backup WAN did not... it only worked when I let it get the ip automatically and then set it up with the across the board. When I ping from the outside it answers to the correct IP as I have it bybased on a RADIUS gateway and bound to that IP (DHCP automatically gives it the correct IP).

I hope that helps. John

Just some info on my setup so you can compare:

WAN1 Static IP connected a DPQ3925 cablemodem on a .252 subnet. The Lan is 192.168.0.__

WAN/DMZ  (WAN2) conected through a RADIUS Gateway (Hotel Guest Network) Bypassed which is also connected to a DPQ3925 Cable Modem on a .240 subnet. The LAN is 10.11.1.___. Bypasses are static either from the DHCP pool.. but for the RV320 I set the IP to a static but it is retrieved via DHCP on the RADIUS gateway.

WAN/DMZ is currently set as backup WAN.

I also tried this in Load Balance Mode and it works perfect.

Thank you for posting John.


Level 1
Level 1


Is their any plan from Cisco support to permanently fix that problem?

My "version" of the issue after many tests:

- RV320 WAN1 port connected to an Extreme summit layer3 switch, other port WAN2 not used (we also tried vice versa and same result by the way) -->

Link becomes systematically "Connected (Inactive)" after less than a minute

- Same box connected to a Cisco Catalyst --> Link is OK ("Connected")

For some unclear reasons, after a last restart and some tests, the link is now working with Extreme. But for how long?

We definitely need a permanent fix for that, as now we are doing lab tests, but it will be implemented on-site soon, connected to a Extreme switch, and we cannot rely on unstable products.

Thank you,


Hello Pierre,

Would it be possible for you to capture the WAN interface traffic between the time it is connected to the switch and WAN port goes into "Connected (Inactive)" status? That would help us identify the root cause.



Hi Nagaraja,

No, I cannot do that. Because now the status seems to remain stable ("Connected"), however our root issue is still there.

RV320 does not answer to Extreme router (ping or arp), whereas it works fine with a PC connected to RV320, or when Catalyst is connected to RV320.

Therefore after all there may be no direct connection between this problem and the "Connected (not active)" problem.

I will open a case to support.



Level 1
Level 1

Hi guys,

This is in response to the WAN1 "Connected/Inactive" issue.

I managed to get this working with a single WAN connection.  I have a single Internet connection (Verizon FiOS).  I have the RV320 connected to an Actiontec router in bridged mode as per

The settings on the RV320 are:

  • From the "Setup -> Network" page, check "Enable DMZ"
  • On the "Port Management -> Port Setup" page, ensure the "Disable" checkboxes for "WAN1" and "DMZ" are deselected
  • Go back to the "System Summary" page and check if WAN1 is still inactive, if it is, go back to "Port Management -> Port Setup" and check the "Disable" checkbox for WAN1 and click "Save".
  • Next deselect the "Disable" checkbox for WAN1 and click "Save" again (esentially you are bringing the interface down and back up again). 
  • Check "System Summary" and you should see Internet/WAN1/Connected without the "inactive"
  • Depending on your ISP setup you may need to click the "Renew" button on the "System Summary" page to pull an IP address


I hope this helps someone.  I'll re-post if I find anything else that might be helpful.  This is a killer little piece of hardware - too bad the firmware is garbage.  How could this be missed in testing?  I mean, seriously, no one noticed this? 

I would encourage anyone who is having this problem to take the time to post or at least click the "I have this problem too" button at the top of the page so maybe we can get a firmware update. 

Hello Brian,

If you are still able to reproduce this issue in your environment, would it be possible for you to capture a wireshark trace on the WAN interface (you may need to plug the router and the ISP modem to a dumb hub/switch and put a workstation with wireshark loaded in promiscous mode)? It would really help us understand the interactions between the modem and the router and isolate the root cause.



Hello Nagaraja,

I'd be happy to do whatever I can to help.  Is it possible to get SSH access to the RV320?  I'm thinking it might be easier for me to do a tcpdump if I had SSH access.  I didn't see anywhere in the GUI to enable this.  I know the older RV series had a URL to enable telnet.  Does the RV320 have something similar for SSH?


I never saw a resolution to this problem.  I also recently purchased a new RV320, and am noticing the same (or similar) behavior.  Specifically:

- I connect WAN1 to my ISP, set to DHCP from the ISP.

- WAN2 is connected to my ASA firewall, which connects my internal LAN.  WAN2 is statis IP; ASA "outside" address is

- ASA "internal" address range is

- As mentioned above - WAN 2 shows "Connected / Inactive".  But I can get out from the internat network, so Port Address Translation is working.

- I cannot reach internal hosts from outside, even though I have defined static entries in the "Port Address Translation" table.

- I cannot ping internal hosts from the RV320.  I can't even ping the "internal network" gateway (

- I *can* access the router from outside, using the web.

Am I missing somthing in the configuration, or am I up against the same issue being reported in this thread?



Francis Sin
Level 1
Level 1

***Sorry about my long post reply and poor english***

I also have this problem, both WAN interface are set to "DHCP". One of it will become "Connected(Inactive)".

On the other hand, nslookup failure problem happen if I connect 2 WAN links to the RV320. this symptom has fool me that one ISP might not able to reach the other ISP DNS server, I keep trying different way to fix it and accidentally found that the interface which get IP address slower likely will become the Connected(Inactive) interface,sometime both interface will also able to get IP address but seldom success.


after I use the "Disable and Enable interface" method to make it "active", same nslookup problem still exists, below screen shows that first time nslookup sucess with single WAN, all the other time with dual WAN failed.


Please ignore the ipconfig /release, I forgot my computer using static IP address at that time.

I end up troubleshooting it for couple of hours and gave up......

Besides this bug, I've also found that the "static ip used" in DHCP status page might also not able to detect used IP address correctly, my desktop is having static IP address and connect directly to the RV320 port 1.


Moreover, the "Port Range Forwarding Table" has a bug also, how I trigger it is I add 10 port forwarding rules and save it in 1 time. the management webpage will goes into a constant loading state, if you go to other page and try go back to the "Forwarding" page, it will bring you back to the "Network" management page after a long time loading.... a restart can make it back to normal but lossing all the rule you just added.... I've end up adding those rule couple of rounds.... wasted me almost an hour.....

I only play around with this RV320 for no more than half day and found out 3 bugs, I kind of feels that this device should have more bug hidden and haven't got caught yet. I never have a device allow me to find out so many problems in such a short period of time usage.

I personally think cisco should really fix this and also compensate our effort about helping him find these problem...

Level 1
Level 1

Saw the persistent "Inactive" message at a client site starting yesterday. RV320 with latest firmware v1.1.1.06 (which is over a year old). WAN1 is satellite and showed "Connected (Inactive)" but was still passing Internet. WAN2 is U-Verse DSL and just showed "Connected". Noticed it because client devices that relied on the router for DNS could not connect to the Internet and reported DNS issues. Client devices that relied on a Windows server for DNS worked fine. Power cycling the router did not fix it.

DHCP in the router was set to Proxy DNS. I changed it to fixed DNS but clients were still getting the router address as DNS server even after renewing their lease.

Power cycled again this morning and the "Inactive" went away and DHCP started serving the fixed DNS addresses.

Opened a support case today. Rep suggested that if it happens again, run a Wireshark packet capture on a machine that is unable to connect.


Level 1
Level 1

I already had that Problem with firmware v1.1.1.06. I guess i've fixed it by disabling WAN2 Port.

Unfortunatly after a Firmware upgrade to the latest v1.1.1.19 the problem is back. WAN2 Port is still disabled. After a restart everthing works like it should for an undefined period of time.

-> i'm thinking of downgrading back to because i can't work with an unreliable connection



Richard Fuller
Level 1
Level 1


Did anyone find a solution to this problem as I also have it on my newly bought RV320. I have 2 internet connections, an ADSL connection on WAN port 1 and a Fiber connection on WAN port 2.

The WAN2 connection works perfectly but the WAN1 connection reverts to "Connected (inactive)" about every 2 minutes, disconnecting and then re-connecting to the ISP. This is causing havoc with my DDNS as it never has long enough to assign the correct external IP to my internet domain!

Both WAN1 and WAN2 ports are connected via modem/routers supplied by my ISP and I have tried to configure them in both Bridge (modem) mode and cascaded in router mode using a different IP address subnet. (My LAN is and I set the modem routers to subnet). I get the same results in both setups. I have also tried replacing the cheap ISP supplied modem router on WAN1 with a Linksys X3000 modem router, again with the same results.

I have now had to disable WAN1 port, so am using only the Fiber connection. I did also try just using the ADSL connection and disabling the Fiber, and it works better, but not perectly, with the "Connected (Inactive)" only appearing maybe once an hour, so there is obviously still a problem. I have also tried swapping WAN1 and WAN2 connections, changing the primary connections to both WAN and WAN2, and changing the mode to both load-balancing and fail-over, but I always get the problem on the ADSL connection. I have also tried disabling the "ping" checking etc., but it seems to ignore these settings!

Prior to purchasing the RV320, everything was working fine with my RV180 router with both the ADSL and Fiber connections (obviously not at the same time!).

BTW, I am on firmware version because I cannot for the life of me get the upgrade to the latest version to work. It uploads the file to the router, gives me the message that it is re-booting, but it never does  - it just sits there withe PWR light flashing and the DIAG light on solid.

Any help would be must welcome, as right now I have a very expensive paperweight!