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RV042G WAN Bandwidth has only 100Mps?

Level 1
Level 1


I just got the RV042G today.  I found the router can only accept 100000 Kbit/sec as bandwith, which is 100Mps only.  According to the specification, it should have 1000Mps WAN.  I have a internet link of 1000Mps, which is now limited by this router.  Any idea if there is something wrong?



Wen-Li Huang

105 Replies 105

Can I please have a link to the beta firmware too? Thanks!

I'm new here so hello to all.

I recommended 2 x RV042 on Cisco advice and now I have some issues I need to address.

#1  Win 7 is failing to connect properly via QVPN included with product and updated from support.

Turn off Public Firewall and connect completes????  Have tried to allow W7 firewall to inbound ICMP and

IPSEC is enabled in Win7. Still only connects with both or only public network firewall disabled in W7

#2  Tunnel setup Gateway to Gateway is connecting after a few adjustmets but subnets are not accessible.

Remote side subnet was adjusted to / upon initial setup as recommend.

Local is as default on RV042 [both ends are RV042G]. No ping on remote subnet IPs?

#3   Remote management VPN General info needs manual page refresh to update as VPN goes on/offline.

Annoying but it should be mentioned in Docs- cost me a lot of time. I didn't trust QVPN status windows when Remote management said offline. Took awhile to realize click out of screen and click back would show proper status.

Understanding this may not be the proper post location, my real question is can I get the Beta Firmware access link?

I would like to update both routers and start over with any help you may provide. I just wish both routers were in the same state.

Thanks for any help you can give the rookie user  and

Best Regards all.

Paul J. Quinn

Queue Consulting

Wilmington DE

Hello Simon,

since the firmware for the RV042 and the RV042G are the same, I assume this beta firmware would apply to the RV042 also. I recently upgraded my WAN connections to 50Mpbs down and can't get more than 25Mbps with the RV042, even with the firewall turned off. If I connect my laptop directly to the cable modem I get the 50Mbps no problem.

I wonder if this http protocol bug applies to the rv042 v3 also.

I have spent hours troubleshooting this and would appreciate any suggestions.

I swapped out my RV042 with an old WRT54G and get 50Mbps consistently. There is something very wrong with the RV042 in that is maxes out at 25Mbps.

I also noticed hundreds of denied entries in the log for port 80 and 443 for traffic that should have been allowed. I suspect the cisco RV042 is dropping packets as a result, which could be the reason for the slow speeds.

If someone could please send me the beta firmware I would appreciate it.  I am currently on single wan, which is less than idea for a home office. The redundancy of dual wan is why I purchased this router.

FYI, I am running the latest RV042 firmware that is publicly available.

You don't at least I m not and I got able to open it, call them directly, the only way to get the firmware is via that process since they send you a temp link to do it same as they ask for your configuration so they can analyze it. It is quite simple try it!

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

@Eric Moyers / Li Zhu Cisco SB support:

I suffer the same issue with my RV042G. My fiber cable internet connection is 300Mbit u/d. I cannot get this unit above 93Mbit. As I have no support contract for this unit, Ikindly request you to sent mea pm with a link to downlaod the beta firmware.

Thanks for you help

Level 1
Level 1

The beta firmware fixed the 130mbps+ WAN problem! Looking forward to the production release of the firmware. 

Hi Melvin,

Can you pm the beta firmware to mee please? I'm in France and wasn't able to catch up with Cisco to get it.

I'm not a professional or have a subscription to any Cisco support programe. (I don't know how to do so by the way ).

Thanks !!!

Level 1
Level 1

Hello, i'm from Ukraine. Today I bye RV-042G and have problem whit Bandwidth limit, only 100Mps. Please help me with firmware.

My ISP give speed 800Mps upstream & 800Mps downstream, but I can not use full speed only ~ 100Mbs

Please send firmware to, dealer CISCO in Ukriane refused to help me with the problem.

It is amazing a large company like Cisco cannot make this firmware accessable to all without contacting the SBSS in the USA. no other cisco support - regional seems to help.

Another epic fail by a large company, more interested in making money than supporting its customers with an easily fixed solution.

Regards Simon

Regards Simon

Hi, My name is Eric Moyers. I am a Network Support Engineer in the Cisco Small Business Support Center. Thank you for using the Cisco Community Post Forums.

Just to help clarify, Cisco Dealers will not be able to hand out or release software to customers. They simply do not have that type of access. Cisco Small Business Support Centers anywhere around the world will be able to help get any firmware that is currently publicly available to the public, if customers are having issues downloading it. The Level 2 group is located in the US, India and China.

In regards to Beta Firmware, there has to be a special process for getting this to the customer, because, with it being beta it is essentially has been tested to fixed a particular issue, but may not have been completely tested in all environments.

Because of this, until it is fully tested not to be harmful in other ways to customer devices and networks, they are controlling the release of it. 

This release is done through our Level 2 group.

Our responsibility here at the Support Center is to first fully troubleshoot the reported issue. Make a determination that the beta would indeed resolve the customers problem.

When this has been determined, once escalated to Level 2, the customer is given a release to sign that they understand that this is a beta firmware and that it has not been fully tested.


Eric Moyers    .:|:.:|:.

Cisco Small Business US STAC Advanced Support Engineer

CCNA, CCNA-Wireless


Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00 (UTC - 05:00)

Hi Eric,

Thanks for your answer, but can you give us —at least— a date for the new firmware.

Do we have to wait for the next year or will it be okay within the mount??

I had to register as the pasword prompt never arrived anyway.

Eric thank you for reply. However I think you need to look into the consumer law in the uk as your certainly selling the unit under false advertising and probably breaking UK law by doing this.

Anybody in the UK will bge able to return the unit and ask for a full refund since the fault is present at the time of purchase. 

Since the the fault was brought up over a year ago your response is very disappointing. Luckily in the UK fast broadband isn't really present.

However can you please give us a date when the final version of the firmware is going to be available.

Failing that give an email address where people can request the beta firmware and give you feedback. I.E test it for you with the known risks.

Are you going to notify suppliers of the unit that unit is only capable of 100mbs minus overheads so they advise their customers correctly and update thier web sites?

Place a notice on your website that unit cannot perform to speciifications?

You may wish to escalate the matter espically in regards too trading standardsa in the UK where the unit isn't fit for the purpose it's sold for at the present time.  

Just to add to Jonathan's post: This is not only the case in Uk but in many European countries under which the Netherlands (where I live). Cisco through her agents/distributors are selling the unit without restrictions to the general public / consumers with specs which are knowingly wrong.

The defence written by Eric above is understanable but given the fact that the issue is known over a year now it can be regarded as a delibarate attempt to mislead consumers for their own benefit.

As most likely all if us want a unit working according to the specs at which it has been bought I strongly suggest, no urge, Cisco to follow immediately Jonathan's advise not only in the UK but globally.

Eric Moyers wrote:

Because of this, until it is fully tested not to be harmful in other ways to customer devices and networks, they are controlling the release of it.

More likely that cisco cant release the source code to bring it in line with GPL licenseing laws.

If a user is asking for the firmware on this forum, then surely Level 2 can send them the file, all users are asking ask for this file for one reason, Bandwidth issue. something that the beta firmware fixes. This would save everyone time and money in wasted resources

common sense really though maybe thats lacking somewhere.

Regards Simon

Regards Simon