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RV082 IE certificate error after firmware update

Alice Lo
Level 1
Level 1


HELP! I have a RV082 with firmware that keeps showing a "There is a problem with this website's security certificate" error message on every computer in the office after I updated to firmware (previous version was  I'd click on "Continue to this website" and be able to access the router on a few computers, but for our file server.  I've tested on computers running XP, 7 & 8 using IE 8, 9, & 10 and there seems to be no pattern as to which ones will allow me to gain access and which ones won't.  The file server is running Server 2003.

My questions are:

1.  How do I get rid of the "security certificate" error message?

2.  How do I get all computers to be able to gain access to the router on the ones that need access, but can't?

3.  Why did this message show up after I updated the firmware? 

Thanks in advance for any help/information on resolving this problem!


2 Replies 2

Level 4
Level 4

Dear Alice,

Thank you for reaching the Small Business Support Community,

I suggest you to check on the below threats, they might be helpful for you to try;

(Notice the crypto key generation does not apply to your case but the IE settings yes)

I hope they help you working this issue out and please do not hesitate to reach me back if there is any further assistance I may help you with.

Kind regards,

Jeffrey Rodriguez S. .:|:.:|:.
Cisco Customer Support Engineer

*Please rate the Post so other will know when an answer has been found.

Jeffrey Rodriguez S. .:|:.:|:. Cisco Customer Support Engineer *Please rate the Post so other will know when an answer has been found.

Hi Jeffrey. 

I did as per the links you posted and it is still not working.  It is still showing there's a problem with the website's scurity certificate.  Please advise.  Thanks.