Dear Customer,
Thank you for reaching the Small Business Support Community.
The RV180 is based on a Cavium Econa 300MHz CPU along with 64 MB of RAM and 16 MB of flash memory. Ethernet ports are provided by a Broadcom BCM53125 7-Port Integrated GbE Energy-Efficient Ethernet Switch. Unfortunately there is no official document I can refer to, this I know by working with the device itself.
The available NAT options on the device; Port Trigering, Port Forwarding and One to one NAT are described from page 87, chapter 4 in the admin guide; that's all it is supported by the current firmware;
Please let me know if there is any further assistance I may help you with.
Kind regards,
Jeffrey Rodriguez S. .:|:.:|:.
Cisco Customer Support Engineer
*Please rate the Post so other will know when an answer has been found.
Jeffrey Rodriguez S. .:|:.:|:.
Cisco Customer Support Engineer
*Please rate the Post so other will know when an answer has been found.