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RV180 Configuration questions

Level 1
Level 1

Hello. I just set up a new RV180 router in a SOHO environment.

A couple questions regarding the configuration possibilities:

1) Is there any way to deny static IP LAN traffic and force all clients to DHCP? It seems the RV180 is very "IP range" based, so I'm dividing user privileges based on IP grouping. It would be simple for a user to circumvent this by simply assigning a static IP address in a range that has higher access.

2) Is the Access Rules table a "first match" or "last action" type of table? Meaning... "first match": the first rule that matches all conditions is hit and the rest of the table is ignored. "last action": the last rule that matches all conditions to modify the traffic is what is used.

The reason I ask this is I want to ban all outbound traffic from a range of IP except a handful of services, and there are multiple layers of internal IP ranges that will be allowed different levels of outbound access.

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply 1

Level 4
Level 4

1. not sure if that is possible but do you know the IP/MAC of the Computer that you want to force and IP to?

Try using IP/MAC binding if the RV180 supports it.

IP/MAC Binding allows you to bind IP addresses to MAC address and vice-versa. Some machines are configured with static addresses. To prevent user from changing static IP addresses, the router needs to enable IP/MAC Binding. If router sees packets with matching IP address but inconsistent MAC addresses or vice-versa, it will drop such packets.

2. Theoretically yet thats the way it should work but cant find the info out on that.  maybe worth some trial and error approach.

Regards Simon

Regards Simon