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RV220W - DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation - Edit the configuration file?

Level 1
Level 1

I am trying to configure this router to obtain an IPv6 address from my ISP who offers a dual stack IPv4/IPv6 DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation service.

I did a WAN packet capture to see the type of DHCPv6 packets the router sends to the ISP in order to obtain an IPv6 address and I saw that the router is sending DHCPv6 solicitation packets of type IA_NA i.e. for Identity Association for Non-temporary Address. However, most ISPs that offer a dual stack IP4/IPv6 service, they use DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation in which case the router is expected to send DHCPv6 solicitation packets of type IA_PD i.e. for Identity Association for Prefix Delegation.

I then downloaded its configuration file and saw the following:

dhcpv6c = {}

dhcpv6c[1] = {}

dhcpv6c[1]["renewTime"] = "3600"

dhcpv6c[1]["statelessMode"] = "1"

dhcpv6c[1]["prefixDelegation"] = "0"

dhcpv6c[1]["preferredAddress"] = ""

dhcpv6c[1]["LogicalIfName"] = "WAN1"

dhcpv6c[1]["requestPreferredAddress"] = "0"

dhcpv6c[1]["requestDNSSearchList"] = "0"

dhcpv6c[1]["requestPreferredPrefix"] = "0"

dhcpv6c[1]["preferredAddressPrefixLength"] = "0"

dhcpv6c[1]["requestDNS"] = "1"

dhcpv6c[1]["sendRapidCommit"] = "0"

dhcpv6c[1]["isEnabled"] = "1"

dhcpv6c[1]["preferredPrefix"] = ""

dhcpv6c[1]["_ROWID_"] = "1"

dhcpv6c[1]["preferredPrefixPrefixLength"] = "0"

So, the option for the DHCPv6 client to perform a prefixDelegation request is disabled. Does that mean that if I set this flag to "1" it is going to work? Well, I edited the configuration file and changed this flag but the router refuses to load it! It complains about the file being changed. How does it know that? Is it computing some type of checksum? Does anyone know how can I manually edit this flag and update the router's configuration?

2 Replies 2

Level 1
Level 1

I can't help you because our ISP doesn't support native ipv6.  I suggest you call Cisco Small Business technical support.  All you need is your serial number and your Cisco username to get support.  Tori is awesome to work with.

The phone number is 1-866-606-1866.