I have a new RV340 router, but could not find a way with the GUI to broadcast a packet from WAN. With the CLI, I could add a static ARP entry with an IP having a MAC address ffff-ffff-ffff. But since the CLI is disabled, I didn’t find a way to do it.
Adding the ARP entry was something easily done with my previous Zyxel router and even with a 50$ Ubiquity router. And by doing so, I was able to create a port forwarding rule which would send a packet from WAN to that fake IP address and therefore broadcast it on the LAN…
In this case, the packet being a “magic packet”, used to wake some computers from WAN.
Did I by any chance miss a way to do that using the GUI, or is that router really so limited that it’s not something possible?
Or would someone have another method to wake computers from WAN? A method not using a third-party software or a VPN?
Thanks for your help.