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Server access thru RV042G with SMB Protocol on MAC 10.6.8

Level 1
Level 1

Hello All,

I'm really a newbie when it comes to networking. Our lab recently purchased a RV042G to setup a subnet (I don't know if this is the correct term) within our company's network. Eventually we like to put a dozen computers on this subnet along with a 24TB NAS drive for data storage. We like the computers in the subnet to be able to access the company's numerous servers.

To test the router setup before going all out, I have a WinXP SP3 computer and a MAC OSX 10.6.8 computer hooked up to it. Both computers can access the Internet just fine. The WinXP computer can access company servers thru the RUN command ("\\servername\share"), but the MAC is having issues with the SMB protocol ("smb://servername/share"). The same MAC if plugged directly to the network has no issues connecting to the company server.

Is this not working because the RV042G doesn't support SMB? or did I do something wrong with setting up the router? By the way, firewall is turned off, since the company already has its own firewall.

Any input will be helpful.

Thank you,


1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1


I figured it out, although I don't pretend to know exactly why it works.

Here is what I did.

Instead of "smb://servername/share", I put in "smb://".

On the WinXP computer, typing in "\\\share" also worked.

I'm thinking it has something to do with DNS, but I'm not sure exactly. I'm just glad that it worked. I got the idea from this link here.

Thanks all,
