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WRV210 Locks up

Level 1
Level 1

This has been gradually getting worse. We have two WRV210 routers setup in a site to site VPN. One of the routers has to be reset multiple times per day because it locks up. When this occurs, the VPN breaks connectivity and the internal users of that particular site can no longer ping the router. It has to be reset and all will work fine for a few hours. Is there anything I can do to make this router become more reliabe?

Both sites have a cable modem set on the wan interface.

10 Replies 10

Darren DeCroock
Level 4
Level 4

What is the firmware version that you are running on these routers?  If it is not up-to-date, the first suggestion would be to upgrade your firmware.  To look into this any futher, we would need to know more about the settings you have configure for the gateway to gateway tunnel.  Perhaps you could get a screenshot of the settings on both routers and post them here.  (blank out any sensitive info, as this is a public forum.)

Thank you,


The firmware is 1.1.16. According to the website, this is the newest firmware. I plan on re-flashing this evening and will post some screenshots.

After re-flashing the router, it's been stable so far. Crossing fingers. Will update in a few days or so....

What is reflashing?

I have been trying to setup VPN tunnels between two linksys routers and ahve been unsuccessful.  Now, the WRV210 has to be reset every 6 hours or so or else everyone on router is "locked out".

Flashing is setting the router back to factory default config.


sorry for the lack of i-t-knowledge.

restore the default settings, as in the original firmware?

if i restore to the original settings for the new (or original firmware), i have to use my static ip address.  is there a way i can make sure that the router does not lock up w/ a static ip address?

thanks in advance.

Level 1
Level 1

I have the same problem,

I upgrade WRV210 to firmware

nothing change, still hunging up

may be somebody know method to restart router

from connected computer without www ?

for example snmp command ?

Level 1
Level 1

I have the exact same issue on firmwares. I have 2 WRV210 (both running and Tunnel  E's are configured to be exact same on the 2 devices (Remote and Local  Secure groups are opposites of each other and both remote secure  gateways are correct). Result: It would work for a while but does not  last a day.

Other  observation is that I know for a fact that one my WRV210 restarts  itself because it would say: System Up  Time:     11m:33s when I had not mess with it for weeks. It  brings me to think about the Dead Peer Detection and it's delay and  timeout. Would having the delay and timeout same on the 2 devices result  in one of the WRV210 to become non-responsive?


Me too!!!

I have 2 x Cisco WRV210 units bought a week or so ago with the intention of configuring a VPN tunnel between 2 sites.

Both are on Firmware version

Wireless connectivity on both is disabled.

DHCP on both is disabled

Both units hang periodically providing no connectivity from the inside to the outside. Indeed, when they hang, it's not even possible to connect to the administration screens of the WRV210 from the local network via the web interface. The only option is to pull the power from the WRV210 and re-apply it after a few seconds. Once the unit's rebooted, everything comes back to life again and it all works.

There seems to be nothing I can identify that triggers the unit to hang. I've called Cisco support who suggested that I change the MTU from the default ("Auto": 1500) to "Manual": 1492. I tried this and it seemed to hold the unit "up" for a little longer than it had been staying up for previously, but it's still hanging...usually between 6 - 8 hours after a power re-cycle...sometimes more, sometimes (much) less.

There's no way that I can release a VPN to my users like this! The intention is to use the VPN to provide a VoIP link between sites. At this rate, users will turn up for work in the mornings and phones will be down! Alternatively they may be in the middle of a call when the connectivity is dropped!

A bit more about my setup.....

Before configuring a VPN tunnel. the first step for me was to establish internet connectivity. I'm using the WRV210 units simply as Firewalls to provide the VPN tunnel functionality. On the "outside", they're each connected to a BT Voyager 220V router acting transparently as a modem to provide ADSL connectivity. The WRV210 units have been assigned Public IP addresses on the outside which are "pingable" from a separate network when the WRV210 is responding. On the inside I have separate DHCP servers (so do not require DHCP functionality from the WRV210) and I don't want to provide wireless access through these units on either site.

Please...somebody...give me some advice!!!!

Thanks in advance,

Richard. update...I've made a bit of progress.

Shortly after my last posting, I decided to try disabling the IPSec VPN tunnel on one of my routers...just to see if that made the internet connection stay "up". Of course, this ISN'T the solution because I need the VPN tunnel, but I thought at least it might help to narrow down the problem...and I noticed that many people who had reported these problems were trying to use the WRV210 for VPN tunnelling...also I found it interesteing that resetting to factory default settings seemed to fix the problems being experienced by some users (factory default is for the VPN tunnel to be disabled).

So after disabling my IPSec VPN last Thursday, my internet connection has remained up constantly...even over the weekend! No problems whatsoever!

So now I have a dilemma! This morning (Monday) I've tried re-enabling my VPN Tunnel (Tunnel A) on my router. I'm assuming that in a few hours (maybe by the end of the day) the router will have hung again.


Please someone, help!!!

