Hi There
I got a cisco 3845 and i am just wondering how much the box can run as bandwidth on the Gig link? I have a 100M WES circuit and it seems if I apply a shapping at 100M the point to point connection is loosing packets (not frequently) but still loosing some. Any suggestion? Could it be a bug with WRED tunning?
Note is no QOS the point to point is not loosing any packets..
policy-map CE-LEGACY-WAN-OUT
class VOICE
priority 20000
police cir 20000000
conform-action set-dscp-transmit ef
exceed-action drop
class VIDEO
bandwidth 30000
police cir 30000000
conform-action set-dscp-transmit af41
exceed-action set-dscp-transmit af43
bandwidth 10000
random-detect dscp-based
random-detect dscp 18 9 42 10
random-detect dscp 22 1 42 10
police cir 10000000
conform-action set-dscp-transmit af21
exceed-action set-dscp-transmit af23
bandwidth 10000
random-detect dscp-based
random-detect dscp 26 9 42 10
random-detect dscp 30 1 42 10
police cir 10000000
conform-action set-dscp-transmit af31
exceed-action set-dscp-transmit af33
bandwidth 64
set ip dscp cs5
bandwidth 64
set ip dscp cs6
class class-default
bandwidth 27872
random-detect dscp-based
random-detect dscp 10 24 117 11
set ip dscp af11
policy-map SHAPE-CE-WAN-OUT
class class-default
shape average 100000000 1000000 0
service-policy CE-LEGACY-WAN-OUT