Our 3845 router gets reboot frequently. After analysis we found that the device is restarting due to some ROM address errors. The following is the the error which we found:
"System returned to ROM by bus error at PC 0x62474E44, address 0xB7B4F6AD at 18:11:36 KSA Mon Oct 24 2011"
Also we found from the "Show region" command :
Start End Size(b) Class Media Name
0x0FFFFE00 0x0FFFFFFF 512 Iomem R/W BCM region
0x2D800000 0x2FFFFDFF 41942528 Iomem R/W iomem
0x60000000 0x6D7FFFFF 226492416 Local R/W main
0x6001A0E0 0x644080E3 71229444 IText R/O main:text
0x644137E0 0x6740BF9F 50300864 IData R/W main:data
0x6740BFA0 0x687E5A9F 20814592 IBss R/W main:bss
0x687E5AA0 0x6D7FFFFF 83993952 Local R/W main:heap
0x80000000 0x8D7FFFFF 226492416 Local R/W main:(main_k0)
0xA0000000 0xAD7FFFFF 226492416 Local R/W main:(main_k1)
On further analysis using the output interpreter we found that it could be an IOS issue. Our device IOS is:
"Cisco IOS Software, 3800 Software (C3845-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(24)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)"
Kindly suggest and advice to resolve this issue.........