Hey all,
I'm trying to figure out how to show the access-list counters on IOS XR and can't seem to find the correct syntax. Using a simple
show access-lists ACL
Shows the sequences, but not the counters like you would find on plain old IOS. I thought this may have been due to the lack of a 'hardware-count' option applied to the interface access-group command, but it does not seem to be the problem here. After applying it to all interfaces where our ACL is applied, the counters still aren't incrementing.
I was able to find the hw matches by typing
show access-lists ipv4 ACL hardware ingress sequence 10 location 0/0/CPU0
But that is messy and I don't want to have to type that for each sequence to find the matches. I also thought that perhaps 'interface-statistics' was not applied to the interface access-group, but I can't seem to actually apply it as seen here:
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:R1(config)#show configuration failed
Tue Jan 28 16:07:09.955 UTC
!! SEMANTIC ERRORS: This configuration was rejected by
!! the system due to semantic errors. The individual
!! errors with each failed configuration command can be
!! found below.
interface TenGigE0/0/0/2
ipv4 access-group ACL ingress interface-statistics
!!% 'pfilter-ea' detected the 'warning' condition 'Mode mismatch.ACL has been applied in different modes on this LC - interface stats and ace stats. '
Any ideas on how to show the counters like we would see normally with IOS?
Throwing packets since 2012