Hi All - I am currently working on my first ASA5510 configuration and am running into some issues. The ASA is running 8.2(5).
The network setup is as follows:
Layer 3 switch with 4 VLANs with ip routing enabled.
All systems are pointing to the 3560 as their default gateway.
ip route (asa)
The ASA is directly connected to the L3 switch on one of the VLANs. The other VLANs are not established on the ASA, but static routes have been created for them on the ASA.
I am able to ping the ASA from the switches, etc.
I am able to ping the switches from the ASA
When connected to VPN Client to ASA, I am unable to reach anything behind it.
When at the office, I am unable to reach the internet from the ASA.
The following NAT configuration is in place on the ASA;
nat (inside) 0 access-list inside_nat0_outbound
nat (inside) 1
Am I missing something or are these issues totally related to NAT?
Thanks for the help!