09-23-2011 12:19 AM - edited 03-04-2019 01:42 PM
Hi ,
We have a 3845 router deployed at a tier 2 ISP for PATing user based sessions to the Internet ,the issue happening is when the NAT table size reaches approximately 2,000,000 the router gets hung and has to be restarted
the router has a memory of 256 MB RAM and approximately 100 MB free ,below is the show version and show proc mem
Can some one help me identify the issue we are facing
Cisco IOS Software, 3800 Software (C3845-ENTBASE-M), Version 12.4(9)T3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 24-Mar-07 00:05 by prod_rel_team
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(13r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
uptime is 1 hour, 9 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System restarted at 12:05:53 UTC Fri Sep 16 2011
System image file is "flash:c3845-entbase-mz.124-9.T3.bin"
Cisco 3845 (revision 1.0) with 222208K/39936K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FHK1118F0HT
2 FastEthernet interfaces
2 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
4 Serial interfaces
4 Channelized (E1 or T1)/PRI ports
DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity enabled.
479K bytes of NVRAM.
62720K bytes of ATA System CompactFlash (Read/Write)
Configuration register is 0x2102
Processor Pool Total: 169056224 Used: 69902956 Free: 99153268
I/O Pool Total: 40893952 Used: 11728272 Free: 29165680
PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process
0 0 57736864 25274508 30778204 637 315627 *Init*
0 0 12128 263332 12128 0 0 *Sched*
0 0 1727472 1297972 642904 8 8 *Dead*
1 0 46224632 421764 45820620 0 0 Chunk Manager
2 0 252 252 4044 0 0 Load Meter
4 0 3364 252 10216 0 0 Check heaps
5 0 692420 38360 329932 45 0 Pool Manager
6 0 252 252 7044 0 0 Timers
7 0 0 0 7044 0 0 IPC Dynamic Cach
8 0 0 0 7044 0 0 IPC Zone Manager
9 0 0 0 7044 0 0 IPC Periodic Tim
10 0 0 0 7044 0 0 IPC Deferred Por
11 0 744 0 7788 0 0 IPC Seat Manager
12 0 0 0 7044 0 0 IPC BackPressure
13 0 0 0 13044 0 0 OIR Handler
14 0 0 0 25044 0 0 Crash writer
15 0 252 252 7044 0 0 Environmental mo
16 0 4060 452436 8584 783320 783320 ARP Input
17 0 252 252 7044 0 0 ATM Idle Timer
18 0 252 252 7044 0 0 AAA high-capacit
19 0 0 0 7044 0 0 AAA_SERVER_DEADT
20 0 0 0 13044 0 0 Policy Manager
21 0 252 252 7044 0 0 DDR Timers
22 0 7896 0 14940 50 50 Entity MIB API
23 0 262884 0 272928 1496565 1496533 EEM ED Syslog
24 0 0 0 7044 0 0 HC Counter Timer
25 0 252 252 7044 0 0 Serial Backgroun
26 0 0 0 7044 0 0 RO Notify Timers
27 0 10052 0 14096 0 0 RMI RM Notify Wa
28 0 252 252 7044 0 0 SMART
29 0 252 252 7044 0 0 GraphIt
30 0 252 252 13044 0 0 Dialer event
31 0 0 0 7044 0 0 SERIAL A'detect
32 0 252 252 13044 0 0 XML Proxy Client
33 706 3170672 3078200 99848 311 310 Virtual Exec
34 0 0 0 4044 0 0 Inode Table Dest
35 0 0 0 7044 0 0 Critical Bkgnd
36 0 50260 800 13800 1726 1726 Net Background
37 0 2404 2004 13444 0 0 IDB Work
38 0 235168 96008 247960 1829403 1829404 Logger
39 0 252 560 7044 0 0 TTY Background
40 0 0 144620 10044 0 0 Per-Second Jobs
41 0 0 0 7044 0 0 AggMgr Process
42 0 0 0 4044 0 0 dev_device_inser
43 0 0 0 4044 0 0 dev_device_remov
44 0 0 0 13044 0 0 sal_dpc_process
45 0 0 0 7044 0 0 ARL Table Manage
46 0 252 252 7044 0 0 ESWPPM
47 0 252 252 4044 0 0 Eswilp Storm Con
48 0 252 252 7044 0 0 ESWILPPM
49 0 252 252 4044 0 0 Eswilp Storm Con
50 0 252 252 7044 0 0 Netclock Backgro
51 0 252 252 7044 0 0 SM Monitor
52 0 252 252 7044 0 0 Bryce I2C CMD Qu
54 0 252 252 7044 0 0 Ether-Switch RBC
55 0 0 0 4044 0 0 IGMP Snooping Pr
56 0 0 0 4044 0 0 IGMP Snooping Re
57 0 252 252 7044 0 0 Call Management
59 0 252 252 7044 0 0 Dot1x Mgr Proces
60 0 0 0 7044 0 0 MAB Framework
61 0 0 0 7044 0 0 EAP Framework
62 0 2500 252 9292 0 0 DTP Protocol
63 0 252 252 7044 0 0 PI MATM Aging Pr
64 0 252 252 7044 0 0 EtherChnl
65 0 252 252 7044 0 0 AAA Dictionary R
66 0 252 252 7044 0 0 AAA Server
67 0 0 0 7044 0 0 AAA ACCT Proc
68 0 0 0 7044 0 0 ACCT Periodic Pr
69 0 12944 252 19736 567 567 CDP Protocol
70 0 252 252 13044 0 0 Ethernet LMI
71 0 7466872 905724 1592508 1629871 1629868 IP Input
72 0 0 0 7044 0 0 ICMP event handl
73 0 252 252 7044 0 0 TurboACL
74 0 252 252 7044 0 0 TurboACL chunk
75 0 5704 252 10656 28 28 MOP Protocols
76 0 504 504 13044 0 0 PPP Hooks
78 0 0 0 13044 0 0 SSS Manager
79 0 0 0 13044 0 0 SSS Test Client
80 0 0 0 7044 0 0 SSS Feature Mana
81 0 0 0 7044 0 0 SSS Feature Time
82 0 0 0 13044 0 0 VPDN call manage
83 0 0 0 13100 0 0 L2X Socket proce
84 0 0 0 13044 0 0 L2X SSS manager
85 0 252 252 13044 0 0 L2TP mgmt daemon
86 0 0 0 7044 0 0 X.25 Encaps Mana
87 0 0 0 7044 0 0 IP Traceroute
88 0 580 0 10624 0 0 IP Background
89 0 164