I am trying to configure a Cisco C111-8P and ran into several questions:
1. Checking open ports on the router from the Internet using nmap shows that ports 53, 80 and 443 are open.
How can you block them for access from the external network, so that you can use only from the local network?
Currently the router is responding to requests from the internet as a dns server and it worries me.
In addition, the router's web console is accessible from the external network on ports 80 and 443. How to prevent access to it only for the local network?
I need ports 80 and 443 for forwarding from the external network to the server on the local network.
2. After configuring StS VPN using the CLI, the "Site To Site VPN" section does not work in the Web panel, just a white screen is displayed (web_panel screenshot).
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
3. This router uses two providers. Is it possible to configure the configuration so that one ISP (Dialer1) is used for Internet access, and the other (Dialer2) is used for VPN tunnels? Can you see configuration examples?