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logging in ASA CLI

Level 2
Level 2

Hello,  When exectuing "show log" in ASA, I don't see anything ever.


ASA/office(config)# logging ?

configure mode commands/options:
asdm Set logging level or list for ASDM
asdm-buffer-size Specify ASDM logging buffer size
buffer-size Specify logging memory buffer size
buffered Set buffer logging level or list
class Specify logging event class
console Set console logging level or list
debug-trace Enable logging of redirect debug-trace output to syslog
device-id Specify the device-id to be included in all non-EMBLEM formatted syslog messages
emblem Enable logging Emblem format on all output supported destinations
enable Enable logging to all output supported destinations
facility Specify the syslog facility, the default is 20
flow-export-syslogs Enable/Disable syslogs whose information is captured by NetFlow
from-address Specify the from address for the mail logging
ftp-bufferwrap Save logging buffer using FTP when buffer wrap-around
ftp-server Specify FTP server parameters
hide Enable hiding in logs
history Set the SNMP message level or list for sending syslog traps
host Send syslog messages to a host
list Specify logging event list
mail Set mail logging level or list
message Specify a message to be allowed
monitor Specify that syslog messages appear on Telnet sessions to the Firewall console
permit-hostdown Allow new connection even if TCP syslog server is down
queue Specify queue size for storing syslog messages, default is 512, 0 means unlimited (subject to available memory)
rate-limit Specify logging rate-limit parameters
recipient-address Specify the mail logging recipient address and level
standby Enable logging on standby unit with failover enabled, warning: this option causes twice as much traffic on the syslog server
timestamp Enable logging timestamp on syslog messages
trap Set logging level or list for syslog server


ASA/office# sh run logging
logging enable
logging standby
logging list Log_Insight_Config level informational class auth
logging list Log_Insight_Config level informational class config
logging buffer-size 1048576
logging trap Log_Insight_Config
logging asdm informational
logging permit-hostdown
no logging message 106015
no logging message 313001
no logging message 313008
no logging message 106023
no logging message 710003
no logging message 106100
no logging message 302015
no logging message 302014
no logging message 302013
no logging message 302018
no logging message 302017
no logging message 302016
no logging message 302021
no logging message 302020


What am I missing here?  



For example, in my other ASA I see the "Teardown dynamic TCP translation from Inside x.x.x to x.x.x." messages when I exectue "show log", but not in this ASA..


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