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Looking for reminder of how to failback to MPLS from VPN using weighted BGP

George Murphy
Level 1
Level 1

Hi thanks for taking a minute to consider helping .

I have an MPLS WAN using BGP and some static routes. I am looking to configure a backup route on the MPLS router to use a VPN tunnel on my ASA as a fail over. I have done this years ago but forgot what I did to get it to failback. I remember using a weighted BGP statement. I am also hoping to see an example config of an ASA just to be sure I have that right in regards to toutes over the tunnel.

Ive done a search on google only pieces and parts show up.



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Marwan ALshawi
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi there

If you tuning ebgp with the mpls provider and receiving routes for remote sites via ebgp then this route will have AD of 20

You can add static routes for same received networks/subnets with Hightower AD value pointing to the ASA which will be used in the case of the bgp routing not being received via the mpls provider

Setting static route with higher AD like:

Ip route x.x.x.x y.y.y.y 25

For ASA VPN you can find lots of documents and guides in and here in the forum too

Hope thus help

If helpful rate

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