I have configured NAT-PT communication between an IPv4 and IPv6 site but I'm unable to ping.
If i try to ping, I see the translation on my NAT-PT router but it doesn't works. So, I thought it was a problem with my routing but thats ok: if a set an IPv4 address on my IPv6 site the ping is succesfull.
This icmp error is show:
*Mar 21 11:28:19.547: %IPV6_FORWARDING-3-NULLIDB: Uninitialized interface pointer - ipv6_fib_forw -Process= "Exec", ipl= 0, pid= 3, -Traceback= 0x62153194z 0x61910C98z 0x61C3D874z 0x61C3D9BCz 0x621ED9A4z 0x621EDB5Cz 0x621EDC74z 0x621EDD50z 0x62151E5Cz 0x62153724z 0x6214A818z 0x6217A1ECz 0x6217A8A4z 0x6217AE60z 0x6218CA88z 0x61595C1Cz.
This is NAT-PT config:
ipv6 nat v4v6 source 3800::C0A8:280F
ipv6 nat v6v4 source list v6tov4 pool IPv4_pool
ipv6 nat v6v4 pool IPv4_pool prefix-length 24
ipv6 nat prefix 3800::/96
ipv6 router rip RIP_Tunneling
ipv6 access-list v6tov4
sequence 20 permit ipv6 FD00:1:1:40::/64 any
and NAT is enabled on my interfaces..
Any solution for this problem? Or is it a bug in my ios (c2801-advipservicesk9-mz.124-24.T2.bin)?
Thanks in advance..