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ospf command

Level 1
Level 1

Can someone pls. explain what this command do under OSPF process

redistribute static metric 20 metric-type 1 subnets route-map static-filter

does it have any relation to the below command? also with the access-list 1?

route-map static-filter permit 20

match ip address 1


5 Replies 5

Level 3
Level 3


the command

redistribute static metric 20 metric-type 1 subnets route-map static-filter

Will redistribute static routes into OSPF with metric value 20 and metric type 1 which is E1.

Subnets is the keyword used by ospf for redistribution.

route-map static-filter is related to your route map defined(static-filter).

the route map is applied to the redistribution command, to filter

routes redistributed from static into OSPF.

Hope this helps


thanks! rate already submitted

Level 7
Level 7


It is some thing like in secuence...

lets say you have route received from the remote router and you want to install that route in to the local router route table with the cost of 20 and metric type 1... then first of all you have to create the accesslist which will have statment allow for the network now you have to creat the route map in order to match the ip address permited by accesslist...

now using the same route map you are installing or redistributing that route ( wiht the metric type 1... so in your case you have accesslist 1 which permiting the network (for example) now you are matching that route using the routemap "static-filter" and using the redistribute static command you are reidstributing that route in routing tabel with the type1...

hope this will help you



thanks! rate already submitted for you..

Pavel Bykov
Level 5
Level 5

Please remember, static routes that do not match your route-map will not be redistributed into OSPF. (There is an explicit deny at the end of every route-map. But of course you can permit everything using route-map static-filter permit 9999 command, or some other very high sequence number - the idea is for that sequence number to be the highest in that route map)

That means, for your configuration, that only static routes that match ACCESS-LIST 1 will be redistributed into your OSPF process (with already mentioned E1 type and Metric of 20)

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