Again, in order for the 2 routers to exchange routes, they must be neighbors and there must be an adjacency between them. Neighborship and adjacency are different states. 2-way state is enough for 2 routers to become neighbors, but not enough for them to become adjacent. If there are no 2 different states - neighborship and adjacency, then each router would have to exchange LSA with each other router, as shown in the picture below. How to prevent this from happening on multiaccess parts of the network? The answer is the network LSA(type 2) .
DR / BDR create a fake "router", with which each other router establishes neighborship and adjacency. In this way, 2 tasks are solved:
1 - each router does not need to exchange LSAs with every other router, only with DR/BDR.
2 - and at the same time, allows the router to model(to draw) this multiaccess part of network.
If still not clear, feel free to say so :)