We have a Cisco ASR1002-x in our network as BRAS and PPPOE Server.
It used IOS "asr1002x-universalk9_noli.03.10.01.S.153-3.S1-ext.SPA.bin" and it worked very well until we need to upgrade our links to Telecommunication Company, from 1G to 10G.
So we purchased an "SPA-1X10GE-L-V2 " module with one XFP but the ASR 1002-x Couldn`t Detect it (Because it`s old IOS didn`t Support it).
So we download IOS "asr1002x-universalk9.03.13.03.S.154-3.S3-ext.SPA.bin " from Cisco Website and upgrade our Router IOS, after that ASR detect new card and we change our links to 10G.
But after all upgrade processes we find out that our ADSL Customers that connect to our BRAS have problem with taking DNS configuration from BRAS, if they connect to us by setting their ADSL modems to Bridge mode (RFC 1483) and Creating a Broadband connection on their PCs they don`t receive any DNS Server IP Address! Also after authentication they need about 50 Seconds to register to our network while we didn`t have these problems before IOS upgrading.
Now to fix their problems we need to disable "LCP Extensions " or set at least one DNS Server IP Address on their Broadband connection settings Manually that is really bad for us…
At the end I should say that if they configure their modems as PPPOE client, the modem easily receive all settings include DNS configuration (that we set them in profile template in our ASR1002-x) and connect soon without any problems….
Please Help Us...