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problems with setting first username and password

Level 1
Level 1

I haven't used a cisco router in over 12 years, so I'm a bit rusty.  I had to replace a nortel box for a small charter school here in Hawaii, so I decided to go with a cisco 1941 / K9 router. using a usb terminal connection I started up the router as directed in the PDF documentation for this box.  It warned me that I must change the starting username and password (<cisco> and <cisco> respectively) with my own username and password.  I wanted to change this to <cisco1> and a simple password.  I thought I followed the directions, but I failed to reset the user name and password.  As I was looking up online for help on how to set a new username and password, the terminal window timed-out and now I can't log in to the 1941 router at all.

How do I reset the router?  Once I do how do I correctly setup  username and password after I login once with cisco and cisco?

 Any help would be appreciated.



I'm attaching a screen capture of the terminal window...

4 Replies 4

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
How do I reset the router? 
  1. Power OFF the router.
  2. If you look at the back (where the power button is) and to the lower left-hand corner, you'll observe two CF slots.  Pop the cover open and eject the CF. 
  3. Power up the router.  
  4. Observe the console terminal and when you see "rommon1>" enter the command "confreg 2142".  
  5. After the command has been accepted, insert the CF back and reboot the router.  
  6. Your router should boot into factory default (Username & Password are "cisco") but the config-registry value is still 2102.  
  7. Do the following:
  • ​conf t
  • config-registry 0x2102
  • username BLAH password BLAH
  • end
  • wr

Aloha from Hawaii,

Thank you for the quick response.  I'm setting up a new campus, so it took me a while to get back to my 1941/K9 problem.  I followed the directions that you prescribed, but I ran into something different when I rebooted the router (after your step 5).  Instead of getting a prompt where I could type in:

conf t

config-registry 0x2102



I got the following:

Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:


If I answer no, I get a router> prompt that will not accept the conf t

If I answer yes and proceed with the setup, I'm prompted to enter the initial configuration dialog every time I telnet in...

Any advice you can offer?

Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:

Sorry for the late response, I was down-and-out with flu.


So, when you are greeted with this message, enter the option "no" and you'll be be in factory default where the prompt is going to be "Router>".  Go into enable mode using the command "enable" (the prompt will now be "Router#" and then continue with Step 7 above.   





Level 1
Level 1

Thank for your help


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