Can someone help me with the dialup WAN configuration using 1900 router analog modem ports? It's old technology, so I'm having hard time finding good materials to verify.
Here is the connectivity, pretty straightforward:
One 1941 router at central site, 3 modem ports using NM-2AM and NM-1AM.
Three remote sites: two are using 3Com modems, and one site using 1941 router modem port (NM-1AM).
So there'll be three analog dialup WAN connections between the central site and the remote sites.
Application is to transfer low volume data from central site to the remote sites when needed. Dial direction is from central to the remote.
Here are the configs. My questions are:
(1) Is "ip unnumbered Gi0/0" correct for the 3 Async interfaces? Do I have to give each an IP address?
(2) Do I need to apply chat script to the Async lines for dialing out?
(3) Before the dialup connection is established, the Async interface would be "down". In that case, how can the router route traffic to the Async interface to trigger dialup? It's sort of chicken and egg.
(4) Has anyone used Cisco router modem with 3Com modem before?
Thanks a lot for any help.
Central site router config:
username Remote password admin
Interface Gi0/0
description Router LAN Interface
ip address
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 102
dialer-list 2 protocol ip list 104
dialer-list 3 protocol ip list 106
access-list 102 permit ip any
access-list 104 permit ip any
access-list 106 permit ip any
chat−script DialOut ABORT ERROR "" "AT Z" OK "ATDT \T" TIMEOUT 30 CONNECT \c
interface async 5
description To remote 3Com modem
ip unnumbered Gi0/0
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer string 19135550001
dialer-group 1
async mode dedicated
interface async 6
description To remote Cisco ISR modem
ip unnumbered Gi0/0
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer string 19135550002
dialer-group 2
async mode dedicated
interface async 7
description To remote 3Com modem
ip unnumbered Gi0/0
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer string 19135550003
dialer-group 3
async mode dedicated
ip route Async 5
ip route Async 6
ip route Async 7
line 5
modem inout
autoselect ppp
transport input all
script dialer DialOut
line 6
modem inout
autoselect ppp
transport input all
script dialer DialOut
line 7
modem inout
autoselect ppp
transport input all
script dialer DialOut
Remote Cisco router config:
username Central password admin
Interface Gi0/0
description Router LAN Interface
ip address
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 192
access-list 192 permit ip any any
interface async 5
description To Central 1941 ISR analog modem
ip unnumbered Gi0/0
encapsulation ppp
ppp authentication chap
dialer in-band
dialer-group 1
async mode dedicated
ip route async 5
line 5
modem inout
autoselect ppp
transport input all