I'm needing to know what is the best way to test and verify connectivity on a xconnect when one side is a ASR9k?
Normally if I need to verify connection across my network I pin up test IP's on the handoff vlan on both sides and ping across
Both ends of the network have a Cisco 3400 and data is passing on vlan38 for example
Switch 1 3400
interface vlan38
Ip address
Switch 2 3400
interface vlan38
Ip address
Then I ping back and fourth to confirm no packet loss across the link and that it is up.
My problem comes along when the handoff is at a ASR9k
There are several links were I have a 3400 on one end and a ASR9K on the other.
How do I test that?
example scenario:
Handoff to customer using a Cisco 3400 (on vlan 38)
Then trunked back to a Cisco 7609 with the following config for xconnect:
interface GigabitEthernet1/13.38
description test
encapsulation dot1Q 38
xconnect x.x.x.x 1000438 encapsulation mpls
mtu 2000
Other side is the ASR9K with the following config. (hands off to a 3rd party)
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.38 l2transport
description test
encapsulation dot1q 38
rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
xconnect group test
p2p test
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.38
neighbor x.x.x.x pw-id 1000438
pw-class EoMPLS