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Upgrading Wan cards

Level 1
Level 1

Hay, i want to upgrade the wic cards on my 2600s, i am thinking this will be a cheaper option of making a frame-relay switch capable of supporting 6 other routers.

I'm not sure what type my serial port is. They take ethernet cables. I can tell you exactly what type of serial ports they are in the morning.

Is this a bad idea?

If so, do i just find a compatible card and plug and play or how does it work?


4 Replies 4

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Is this a bad idea?

Seriously?  It's as bad as it gets.

If so, do i just find a compatible card and plug and play or how does it work?

When  dealing with a 2600 couter, the phrase "plug-and-play" doesn't compute.

I'm not sure what type my serial port is. They take ethernet cables.

Never heard of a serial interface card that looks like ethernet "cables".  You mean blue color or the plug is like an RJ45?

At what speed (of your WAN) link are you trying to push?

Oh i remember you, youre the jerkface that always has super negative stuff to say on my posts.

Stay off my posts man. If youre the only help I can get I'd rather figure it out myself the hard way.


Hey Stanley,

The only "super negative stuff" I had to say about you was asking you to refrain from making multiple posts of the same subject matter.

The intention was to assist other people (including you) to know WHERE to post or WHICH threads to post.

Stay off my posts man.

As you wish.

Joseph W. Doherty
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame


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