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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Contract groups are a quick method to add multiple contracts to users at one time. When a user profile is “added to a group”, the user will be granted access to all the contracts/parent companies contained in the group or a portion of the parent companies contained in the group.

Very important! Users granted access through a group may have their access to one or more contracts in the group removed or changed by another SAMT Admin or by Cisco after being added to the group. The group will not reflect any access changes performed outside of the group. It is important to run reports regularly using SAMT reports to verify current user access. Admins should share their groups with peer Admins to keep the group users and group contracts consistent.
Removing a user from a group and then adding them back to the group will restore that user’s access to all contracts in the group. If a user reports that they cannot open a case for a contract that you granted them access to via a group, you should remove the user from that group and add them back to restore their access to all contracts in the group (including the services they could not access).

Step 1: Log into SAMT and click Manage by Group tab (1) and click on Using Contract Number (2).

Step 2: Choose if you want to edit a Support Access group or a Software Access group.


Step 3: Select which group you want to edit from the contract groups listed on the bottom of the screen (3).
If user re-validation of a contract in a group is overdue, you will not be able to add a user to the group. The radio button next to the contract group will be grayed out and a pop-up message will appear. Please visit the re-validation links on the Administration tab within SAMT to re-validate the overdue contract(s).
Step 4: In the Action drop-down at the bottom of the page (1), select Add user to Group (2) and click Submit (3).


Step 5: You may either add a user (Step 5a) or search for a user from a list of users who already have access to a contract you manage (Step 5b) to add to the group.

Step 5 (a): Add a user. Click ‘Add Name’ button.


Enter up to 10 CCO Ids or e-mail ids, separated with a comma (1). Click Search (2).


Step 5 (b): Search the users who have access to other contracts you currently manage: Note: The system performs a search of the users who currently access other contracts you manage in SAMT. Users who do not currently have access to other contracts that you manage in SAMT will not appear in the results. Instead use step 5a above.
Select the criteria in the ‘search for’ drop-down (1 & 2)
Enter the search value in the text box (3).
Click Search (4).


Step 6: Select the user profile(s) listed onscreen to be granted access to the group contracts (1). Click Submit (2).


Step 7: A pop-up page may appear if any of the contracts within the group contain multiple end users.

On the pop-up page, click the box of the parent companies that have services within the group’s contracts that the users should be entitled to consume (1). Click Save (2).

Note: Incorrectly granting access to users from other companies creates a potential for customer data exposure and fraud.


Step 8 (Result): SAMT confirms that the group’s contracts were added to the users’ profiles successfully.
Questions about managing access using groups may be emailed to

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