Hello, We have a Cisco ISR4431/K9 that now requires the DNA / SD-WAN solution. I understand we must purchase the L-DNA-TIER-ADD license for this router. But then is the subscription (like DNA-C500M-A-3Y) a separate purchase? The original BOM for the ISR4431-DNA straight from the reseller is full of a laundry list so it's hard to determine what is included for a router already in the field. For example, I read the FL-44-HSEC-K is included in the L-DNA-TIER-ADD but what about everything else? How do I know what gets included if I have to address this "a la carte"?
FL-44-HSEC-K | U.S. Export Restriction Compliance license for 4430 series |
SDWAN-CLOUD | SDWAN Cloud Deployment Option Selection |
PNP-CAP-VBOND | Network Plug-n-Play Connect VBOND Provisioning for SDWAN |
SW-NETWORK-PNP-LIC | Network Plug-n-Play Connect Option for SDWAN SW Purchase |
SVS-DNA-C-ADV | Embedded Support - Cisco DNA Advantage Cloud Lic |
DNA-C-500M-A-3Y | Cisco DNA Advantage Cloud Lic, Agg 1G, 3Y |
SVS-CDNA-500M-A3Y | Solution Support for SW - DNA Advantage Cloud Lic, 500M, 3Y |
ISR4400-DNA | ISR4400 platform for DNA |
NETWORK-PNP-LIC-O | Network Plug-n-Play Connect SDWAN SW Device Provisioning |
GM-Cisco Excess Refurbished Offering