on 03-03-2022 07:16 AM
I had incredible difficulty locating details and even vendor support surrounding setting up Azure SSO to service anyconnect connectivity with multiple tunnel groups. So thought I'd potentially help by documenting the fix
After following the microsoft or cisco community documentation for SAML SSO setup with anyconnect/ASA:
Tutorial: Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with Cisco AnyConnect | Microsoft Docs
However, at the point of registering the Identity URL. DO NOT make the same mistake and assumption of adding the additional Tunnel Group URLs to the identity and reply URLs, The last entry in the URL list will succeed but the other profiles will fail and lead to the following error on client side:
- Create separate enterprise apps for each tunnel group <TunnelGroupName>
- External SSL Certificate for your domain registered for anyconnect (I had a wildcard cert for this)
- Follow guide, for each created app for each tunnel group:
Tutorial: Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with Cisco AnyConnect | Microsoft Docs
until this point:
- Click Edit
- Select import Cert:
- Select your cert and enter passphrase (must be PFX format), Click Add
- Activate Certificate:
NOTE: Certifate for each app must all be the same
You are going to do this on the CLI first, you might come back through and do an ASDM walk-through at another time.
Connect to your VPN Appliance, you are going to be using an ASA running 9.8 code train, and your VPN clients will be 4.6+.
First you will create a Trustpoint and import our SAML cert.
config t crypto ca trustpoint AzureAD-AC-SAML revocation-check none no id-usage enrollment terminal no ca-check crypto ca authenticate AzureAD-AC-SAML -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- … PEM Certificate Text from download goes here … -----END CERTIFICATE----- quit
The following commands will provision your SAML IdP.
webvpn saml idp https://sts.windows.net/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/ (This is your Azure AD Identifier from the Set up Cisco AnyConnect section in the Azure portal) url sign-in https://login.microsoftonline.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/saml2 (This is your Login URL from the Set up Cisco AnyConnect section in the Azure portal) url sign-out https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/wsfederation?wa=wsignout1.0 (This is Logout URL from the Set up Cisco AnyConnect section in the Azure portal) trustpoint idp AzureAD-AC-SAML trustpoint sp (Trustpoint for SAML Requests - you can use your existing external cert here) no force re-authentication no signature base-url https://my.asa.com
Now you can apply SAML Authentication to a VPN Tunnel Configuration.
tunnel-group AC-SAML webvpn-attributes saml identity-provider https://sts.windows.net/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/ authentication saml end write mem
Hello @nathan.browning ,
Ii this working with firepower 2100?
Am i obligated to use one anyconnect app per tunnel group or can be used only one app modifying the entity id string and reply URL on azure?
i've tried your procedure and worked!!!! thank you man! you saved me
This was super helpful. Something to note is that you need to create your own PFX certificate which you can use in Azure AD Signing Certificate for all Enterprise App SAML configs.
I believe the need for multiple Azure IdP apps would be prevented once this bug is fixed:
Hello @nathan.browning ,
can someone explain more part about the certificate?
- External SSL Certificate for your domain registered for anyconnect (I had a wildcard cert for this)
What certificate did you use? wildcard for your organization or selfsignecertificate?
Best regards,
So, I've been trying to get this to work and I've been running into issues. I've followed this guide, which is great btw, and when I go to test it I get an error saying that the application with identifier was not found. We have four tunnel groups and have our group urls set up as 'https://subdomain.domain.com', if I don't add a base-url it looks for 'http://fqdn/saml...' and when I do add a base-url it looks for 'https://domain.com/saml...'. I have the config in Azure set up just like it shows in this guide and I have verified that the URLs are upper/lowercase where needed and using https, I have users assigned to the tunnel group that I'm testing, and have checked the saml metadata on the ASA which has the incorrect URL (http://fqdn/saml...). I'm obviously missing something simple. We're using a FirePower 2110 FTD with ASA 9.14 installed managed by ASDM and using Microsoft Authenticator for MFA.
@MaErre21325 hello dear
yes you need to create different Enterprise app for each tunnel group
Trying to follow this. At the step where you're importing a certificate so you can use the same 1 for multiple apps, which certificate are you using? Do you need to purchase a 3rd party certificate for this since we wouldn't have the private key for the original one we download?
@mumbles202 When I do this, I use a certificate issued from my PKI, but you can even use self signed or CA issued. What is important is that the certificate used by Azure (the SAML Signing Certificate) is a PFX (including private key) of the certificate you uploaded to your ASA. Here is an overview of a process to use self-signed:
openssl req -new -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout private.key -out new.csr
openssl x509 -signkey private.key -in new.csr -req -days 365 -out ASA.crt
openssl pkcs12 -export -name "ASA-IDP-Cert" -out ASA-IDP-Cert.pfx -inkey private.key -in ASA.crt
Hope this helps!
Ok thanks. I didn't think about using OpenSSL. The PKI environment is being spun down to move all to Entra so this might be a solution.
By the way, what would be the best way if a user needed to be able to select between profiles if they occassionally need to use a full tunnel option. I have the tunnel-groups defined as such:
tunnel-group VPNProfile type remote-access
tunnel-group VPNProfile general-attributes
address-pool SSLClientPool
authentication-server-group LDAP
default-group-policy GroupPolicy_VPNProfile
tunnel-group VPNProfile webvpn-attributes
authentication saml
group-alias VPNProfile enable
saml identity-provider https://xxx.windows.net/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/
tunnel-group VPNProfileFull type remote-access
tunnel-group VPNProfileFull general-attributes
address-pool SSLClientPool
authentication-server-group LDAP
default-group-policy GroupPolicy_VPNProfile_Full
tunnel-group VPNProfileFull webvpn-attributes
group-alias VPNProfileFull enable
When a user disconnects and tries to sign back in they are re-authenticated using the profile they previously used.
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