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    FlexVPN is the new IKEv2 based VPN infra-structure on IOS. It is meant to be a unified VPN solution. In this document however we are going to leverage the in-built IKEv2 Client that Windows 7 has to connect IOS Headend using Certificate Authentication.



    • Windows 7 In-Built VPN Client
    • IOS ver 15.2(2)T
    • Certificate Authority - I am using an OpenSSL CA





    • Certificate Authority Configuration

              I am Using OpenSSL CA, however you may Use IOS CA Server (Latest) or Microsoft CA Server


    • IOS Headend Configuration

              > Get a Certificate

              > IKEv2 Configuration


    • Windows 7 Builtin-Client Config
    • Certificate for the client


    Certificate Authority Configuration

    I am using an OpenSSL CA for my setup, which generates pkcs#12 format certificate for IOS and the Client.

    Couple of things, if you are going down this my road:


    Setting up your own OpenSSL CA

         There are many guides which tell you how to set up your own CA using OpenSSL. These two should cover the most of it:


    Making sure the new CA assigns EKU

    The "config" file for OpenSSL Server should have:

    [ extCSR ]

    keyUsage                  = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment

    extendedKeyUsage    = serverAuth, clientAuth

    Instead of serverAuth, clientAuth, you could as well use the OIDs. For starters, refer:


    Creating PKCS12 Format Certificates

    Certificates *requested* and signed by OpenSSL Server can be converted to pkcs12 which makes certificate management much easy:



    I could easily use IOS CA Server to do this job. If you are using IOS CA Server, make sure you are using the latest IOS which assigns EKU.


    IOS Headend Configuration

    Get a Certificate

    Enough has been said already, make sure the certificate has Extended Key Usage (EKU, or Enhanced Key Usage as Microsoft likes to call it) fields set to 'Server Authentication' for IOS and 'Client Authentication' for Client. Usually, you would have one CA giving out certificate to both Client and Server, in which case you would see 'Server Authentication' + 'Client Authentication' on the Server Certificate and Client Certificate Respectively, which is just fine.


    Since My CA is doing everything, Trustpoint on IOS is simple:

    crypto pki trustpoint FlexRootCA

        revocation-check none


    Import the pkcs#12 certificate:

    copy ftp://user:***@OpenSSLServer/p12/ikev2.p12  flash:/

    crypto pki import FlexRootCA pkcs12 flash:/ikev2.p12 password <password>


    ikev2.p12 is a pkcs12 format certificate that has CA Certificate bundled in it.


    To see if the certificate has all the required options set:

    ikev2#show crypto pki cert verbose











      Subject Key Info:

        Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption

        RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)

      Signature Algorithm: MD5 with RSA Encryption

      Fingerprint MD5: 3FB01AE4 E36DF9D8 47F3C206 05F287C6

      Fingerprint SHA1: DEE6C4D1 00CDD2D5 C0976274 203D2E74 2BC49BE8

      X509v3 extensions:

       X509v3 Key Usage: F0000000

          Digital Signature

          Non Repudiation

          Key Encipherment

          Data Encipherment

        X509v3 Subject Key ID: CBCE6E9F F508927C E97040FD F49B52D1 D5919D45

        X509v3 Authority Key ID: 4B86A079 A5738694 85721D0D 7A75892F 0CDAC723

        Authority Info Access:

       Extended Key Usage:

            Client Auth

            Server Auth

      Associated Trustpoints: FlexRootCA

      Key Label: FlexRootCA


    IKEv2 Configuration

    ! IP Pool for IKEv2 Clients


    ip local pool mypool



    ! Certificate MAP to match Remote Certificates, in our case the Windows 7 Clients


    crypto pki certificate map win7_map 10

       subject-name co ou = tac


    ! One of the proposals that Windows 7 Built-In Client Likes


    crypto ikev2 proposal win7

       encryption aes-cbc-256

       integrity sha1

       group 2


    ! IKEv2 policy to store a proposal


    crypto ikev2 policy win7

       proposal win7


    ! IKEv2 Local Authorization Policy. Split-Tunneling does not work, as was the case in good old l2tp over IPSec.


    crypto ikev2 authorization policy win7_author

       pool mypool


    ! IKEv2 Profile


    crypto ikev2 profile win7-rsa

       match certificate win7_map

       identity local fqdn

       authentication local rsa-sig

       authentication remote rsa-sig

       pki trustpoint FlexRootCA

       aaa authorization group cert list win7 win7_author

       virtual-template 1



    ! One of the IPSec Transform Sets that Windows 7 likes


    crypto ipsec transform-set aes256-sha1 esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac



    ! IPSec Profile that calls IKEv2 Profile


    crypto ipsec profile win7_ikev2

       set transform-set aes256-sha1

       set ikev2-profile win7-rsa



    ! dVTI interface - A termination point for IKEv2 Clients


    interface Virtual-Template1 type tunnel

       ip unnumbered Loopback0

       tunnel mode ipsec ipv4

       tunnel protection ipsec profile win7_ikev2


    Windows 7 Builtin-Client Config


    Screenshots to Setup IKEv2 Client

    Go to network and sharing centre:

    Network and Sharing Center.png



    Connect to a Workplace.png



    Connect to a Workplace - 2.png



    leave Username, Password and Domain blank since we are using Certificate Authentication

    Connect to a Workplace - 3.png




    Connect to a Workplace - 4.png



    Now back to Nextwork and Sharing centre:

    Network and Sharing Center - 2.png


    And the poroperties of the newly created Connection profile:

    FlexVPN-IOS Properties.png


    Certificate for the client

    We need these 3 things:

    • As already mentioned, client certificate that has an EKU of 'Client Authentication'. And my CA (now yours as well) gives out a PKCS12 Certificate, which i have handy
    Client's PKCS12 Certificate will go into Local Machine Personal Certificate Store


    • IOS Headend's Identity Certificate
    IOS Headend's Identity Certificate goes into Local Machine Trusted Root Certificate Authorities Store


    • CA's Certificate
    CA Certificate goes into Local Machine Trusted Root Certificate Authorities Store




    Documentations on WWW suggest a lot of things when it comes to using Windows IKEv2 Client with certificate authentication, however main things to pay attention to:

    • At this point, I believe that 'IPSec IKE intermediate' (OID = should be used as EKU only if: 
      • IKEv2 Server is Windows 2008 Server AND
      • There are more than one Server Authentication Certificates being used for IKEv2 Connections

                  .... in which case either put BOTH 'Server Authentication' EKU and 'IPSec IKE Intermediate' EKU on one Certificate or distribute these EKUs among the certficates, making sure at least one certificate has 'IPSec IKE Intermediate' EKU.



    • In FlexVPN deployment, do not use 'IPSec IKE Intermediate' in EKU. If you do, IKEv2 Client will end up not picking the IKEv2 Server's Certificate, in turn not being able to respond to CERTREQ from IOS in IKE_SA_INIT response message, failing the connection with 13806 Error ID.
    • SAN (Subject Alternative Name) is not required, however if the certificates have one, no harm done.
    • On Windows 7 Client Certificate Store, make sure that Machine-Trusted Root Certificate Authorities Store has as less number of certificates as possible. If it has more than say close to 50, IOS might fail to read the entire Cert_Req payload (which contains the DN of all the known CA's) from the Windows 7 box. Thereby failing the negotiation. You will see connection timing-out on the client.



    ikev2#show crypto ikev2 session detail

    IPv4 Crypto IKEv2 Session


    Session-id:4, Status:UP-ACTIVE, IKE count:1, CHILD count:1


    Tunnel-id Local                 Remote                fvrf/ivrf            Status

    1     none/none            READY 

          Encr: AES-CBC, keysize: 256, Hash: SHA96, DH Grp:2, Auth sign: RSA, Auth verify: RSA

          Life/Active Time: 86400/17 sec

          CE id: 1004, Session-id: 4

          Status Description: Negotiation done

          Local spi: A40828A826160328       Remote spi: C004B7103936B430

          Local id:

          Remote id: ou=TAC,o=Cisco,c=BE,cn=Win7

          Local req msg id:  0              Remote req msg id:  2        

          Local next msg id: 0              Remote next msg id: 2        

          Local req queued:  0              Remote req queued:  2        

          Local window:      5              Remote window:      1        

          DPD configured for 0 seconds, retry 0

          NAT-T is not detected 

          Cisco Trust Security SGT is disabled

    ikev2#show crypto ipsec sa peer


    interface: Virtual-Access1

        Crypto map tag: Virtual-Access1-head-0, local addr


       protected vrf: (none)

      local  ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (

       remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (

       current_peer port 4500

         PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}

       #pkts encaps: 5, #pkts encrypt: 5, #pkts digest: 5

       #pkts decaps: 55, #pkts decrypt: 55, #pkts verify: 55

        #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0

        #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0

        #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0

        #send errors 0, #recv errors 0


         local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:

         path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb Ethernet0/0

         current outbound spi: 0x3C3D299(63165081)

         PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none


         inbound esp sas:

          spi: 0xE461ED10(3831622928)

            transform: esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac ,

            in use settings ={Tunnel, }

            conn id: 7, flow_id: SW:7, sibling_flags 80000040, crypto map: Virtual-Access1-head-0

            sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4257423/0)

            IV size: 16 bytes

            replay detection support: Y

            Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE)


         inbound ah sas:


         inbound pcp sas:


         outbound esp sas:

          spi: 0x3C3D299(63165081)

            transform: esp-256-aes esp-sha-hmac ,

            in use settings ={Tunnel, }

            conn id: 8, flow_id: SW:8, sibling_flags 80000040, crypto map: Virtual-Access1-head-0

            sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4257431/0)

            IV size: 16 bytes

            replay detection support: Y

            Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE)


         outbound ah sas:


         outbound pcp sas:

    Level 4
    Level 4

    Are there any plans to support the Windows 7 built-in client with IKEv2 on the ASA plattform?

    Level 1
    Level 1

    I wish to comment on your statement "I could easily use IOS CA Server to do this job. If you are using IOS CA Server, make sure you are using the latest IOS which assigns EKU."

    Why isn't the procedure placed into this document using a Cisco IOS CA in lieu of using OpenSSL CA server?

    In fact I am trying to use the Cisco IOS CA on Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 03.15.00.S - Standard Support Release Cisco IOS Software, CSR1000V Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.5(2)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)

    I have routers enrolling but I can't seem to figure out how to enrol the Windows7 system so that I may follow this procedure using Cisco products.




    Starting ASA 9.3(2), we support all IKEv2 standards based clients connecting to the ASA:

    Look for: Interoperability with standards-based, third-party, IKEv2 remote access clients


    Starting ASA 9.3(2), we support all IKEv2 standards based clients connecting to the ASA:

    Look for: Interoperability with standards-based, third-party, IKEv2 remote access clients


    Level 1
    Level 1

    I did not want to use the ASA/Anyconnect for this - I wanted to stay on ISR GEN 2 (or in this case the CSR as its lab development). I just need the procedure to enrol the Win7 system into the Cisco IOS CA.


    I will try and add a section that addresses this.

    For now:

    - You could create a Certificate Signing Request from Windows 7:

    [Make sure this is in base64 format]

    - Now take this CSR to the IOS CA:

    crypto pki server <name> request pkcs10 terminal base64

    - The certificate you get here should be importable on your Windows 7 PC

    i will test this out just in case

    Level 1
    Level 1


    I was successful in manually enrolling the Win7 system into the IOS CA. I have a follow up question concerning this section:

    Certificate for the client

    We need these 3 things:

    • As already mentioned, client certificate that has an EKU of 'Client Authentication'. And my CA (now yours as well) gives out a PKCS12 Certificate, which i have handy
    Client's PKCS12 Certificate will go into Local Machine Personal Certificate Store

    ​Client's PKCS#12 cert will go into the Local Machine Personal Certificate Store - by the term "client's", this is my Win7 device certificate or an actual client certificate using the Win7 system?

    I have placed both the Headend and CA's certs into the Local Machine Trusted Root Certificate Authority Store. But I don't get a connection - I receive the Error 13806 which is "unable to find valid machine certificate."

    When generating the cert I use the following EKU:

    Server Authentication (
    Client Authentication (

    And Key Usage:

    Digital Signature and Key Encipherment (a0)

    You mention these (which I seem to not do nonRepudiation and dataEncipherment):

    keyUsage                  = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment

    extendedKeyUsage    = serverAuth, clientAuth

    I was successful in creating a CSR with these additional roles but now face an issue in my debug about failing on the AAA:

    May  1 07:03:58.324: IKEv2:(SA ID = 1):[IKEv2 -> AAA] Authorisation request sent
    May  1 07:03:58.324: IKEv2:(SA ID = 1):[AAA -> IKEv2] Received AAA authorisation response
    May  1 07:03:58.324: IKEv2:AAA authorization request failed
    May  1 07:03:58.324: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 0,SA ID = 1):AAA group authorization failed

    May  1 07:03:58.324: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 0,SA ID = 1):
    May  1 07:03:58.325: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 9,SA ID = 1):Verification of peer's authentication data FAILED
    May  1 07:03:58.325: IKEv2:(SESSION ID = 9,SA ID = 1):Sending authentication failure notify

    I will continue to trouble-shoot this.



    Level 1
    Level 1


    I am working - it is operational. I had a typo in my aaa line which omitted the "aaa list name" in my IKEv2 profile ( aaa authorization group cert list flex_policy flex_auth )

    It's nothing but blue skies and sunny days here!!!



    flex-gate#show crypto ikev2 sess
     IPv4 Crypto IKEv2 Session

    Session-id:1, Status:UP-ACTIVE, IKE count:1, CHILD count:1

    Tunnel-id Local                 Remote                fvrf/ivrf            Status
    1   none/none            READY
          Encr: AES-CBC, keysize: 256, PRF: SHA1, Hash: SHA96, DH Grp:2, Auth sign: RSA, Auth verify: RSA
          Life/Active Time: 86400/1196 sec
    Child sa: local selector -
              remote selector -
              ESP spi in/out: 0x688B5A94/0x3BBD16B7

     IPv6 Crypto IKEv2 Session


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