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Cisco Employee


This document describes how to generate an FXOS troubleshoot file for 2100/4100/9300-series devices

Components Used

The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:

  • Cisco Firepower 9300 Security Appliance running FXOS 2.3(1.58) and FTD 6.2.2
  • Cisco Firepower 2100 Security Appliance running FTD 6.2.2
  • SCP, SFTP, FTP, or TFTP server reachable from the management interface of the 2100 or 4100/9300 chassis
  • There will be one tech-support file for 2100
  • There will be three to five tech-support files for 4100/9300 (fprm, chassis, module 1, module 2, module 3)


FXOS troubleshoot file for 2100-series devices:

SSH to the 2100 device's management interface, and follow the steps below to generate an FXOS troubleshoot file:

Cisco Fire Linux OS v6.2.2 (build 11)
Cisco Firepower 2110 Threat Defense v6.2.2 (build 81)

> connect fxos
fpr2110#connect local-mgmt
fpr2110(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm detail
fpr2110(local-mgmt)# dir workspace:/techsupport/

Note: You will see the troubleshoot .tar.gz file just created in the above directory.

SCP the troubleshoot file from the 2100 to your PC/laptop which is running the SCP server software:

fpr2110 (local-mgmt)# copy workspace:/techsupport/ scp://cisco@X.X.X.X


FXOS troubleshoot file for 4100-series or 9300-series devices:

SSH to the 4100 or 9300 device's management interface, and follow the steps below to generate the FXOS troubleshoot files:

fpr9300# connect local-mgmt
fpr9300(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm detail
fpr9300(local-mgmt)# show tech-support chassis 1 detail
fpr9300(local-mgmt)# show tech-support module 1 detail
fpr9300(local-mgmt)# dir workspace:/techsupport/

Note: You will see the 3 troubleshoot .tar.gz files (fprm, chassis, module) just created in the above directory.

SCP the troubleshoot files from the 4100/9300 to your PC/laptop which is running the SCP server software:

fpr9300(local-mgmt)# copy workspace:/techsupport/ scp://cisco@X.X.X.X
fpr9300(local-mgmt)# copy workspace:/techsupport/20180319175334_fpr9300_BC1_all.tar scp://cisco@X.X.X.X
fpr9300(local-mgmt)# copy workspace:/techsupport/Firepower-Module1_03_19_2018_17_58_17.tar scp://cisco@X.X.X.X



Your PC/laptop (running SCP server software) is

Run SCP server software as Administrator in Windows

Under File >> Configure… >> Users >> create a user with username: cisco password: cisco in SCP server software:


Click Start to set it to ‘Running’:


SCP the troubleshoot file from the 4100/9300 to your PC/laptop which is running SCP server software:

fpr9300(local-mgmt)# copy workspace:/techsupport/ scp://cisco@
cisco@'s password: cisco
fpr9300(local-mgmt)# copy workspace:/techsupport/20180319175334_fpr9300_BC1_all.tar scp://cisco@
cisco@'s password: cisco
fpr9300(local-mgmt)# copy workspace:/techsupport/Firepower-Module1_03_19_2018_17_58_17.tar scp://cisco@
cisco@'s password: cisco


Upload FXOS troubleshoot file(s) to your Cisco TAC case using:


Cisco TAC may ask for an ASA show tech-support file or FTD troubleshoot file to be uploaded to your case in addition to the FXOS troubleshoot file:

How to generate ASA show tech-support:


How to generate FTD troubleshoot file:


Upload ASA show tech-support or FTD troubleshoot file to your Cisco TAC case using:


Ensure there is reachability from your 2100 or 4100/9300 to your PC/laptop running the SCP/FTP/SFTP/TFTP server software over ports 21 or 22, or 69 respectively:

fpr9300(local-mgmt)# ping
PING ( from X.X.X.X eth0: 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=117 time=39.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=117 time=37.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=117 time=37.3 ms

Check that your 2100 or 4100/9300 has the correct management IP address, subnet, and gateway:

fpr9300(local-mgmt)# show mgmt-port

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:8179609 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1392314 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:818347475 (780.4 MiB) TX bytes:588519034 (561.2 MiB)

Make sure Windows Firewall is disabled on your PC/laptop so incoming SFTP/FTP (port 21 + 22) or SCP (port 22) or TFTP (port 69) are not blocked and traffic is not blocked between the PC and the 2100/4100/9300:


Initial setup of the FXOS chassis for management interface and other services (DNS, NTP, SSH, etc.) configuration can be found in the link below:

Related Information

All versions of the FXOS Chassis Manager and CLI configuration guides can be found here


For all Configuration and Troubleshooting TechNotes that pertains to the Firepower technologies


Technical Support & Documentation - Cisco Systems

Chess Norris
Level 4
Level 4

Is there any way to increase the size of the workspace directory where the troubleshooting bundle is created? I believe it is a hard limit of 4 GB on the 9300. I recently had an issue on a 9300 chassis where the support files where over 4 GB and the process stopped and I could not even delete the file after that.


Best regards


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