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Jason Kunst
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The following script will showcase how to move and resize the don't have an account option on the guest portal registration page.

Note: When working with JavaScript injection on the portal pages, it only affects the page and language you made the change on. If you would like this to happen across multiple languages, for example, then you will need to make the change to every language you need to modify, other options are editing the Language Properties files or using a global CSS.

For introduction on the different options used (including how to put javascript on your portal), please reference this document, ISE Web Portal Customization Options. This document also goes over the Don't have an account option.


Note: playing with the delay might have your page load correctly in places of higher latency


The following script moves the text up and makes it bigger

Insert this script into the optional content 2 of the self-registration page under your guest portal




     #ui_login_self_reg_button {






To locate "Dont have an account?" in the middle of block, you have to insert only these scripts:




     var link = $('.cisco-ise-form-buttons .ui-link');

     var password = $('.ui-controlgroup-controls .ui-input-text:nth-child(3)');

  1. password.before(link),1000});




.ui-body-a .ui-link{







To locate "Dont have an account" over "Username", you have to use these scripts:



     var link = $('.cisco-ise-form-buttons .ui-link');

     var text = $('#ui_login_instruction_message');






.ui-body-a .ui-link {







To use button instead of link, you should use these script:



$(document).on('pageshow', function() {
var regButton = $("<div class='cisco-ise-form-buttons'><div aria-disabled='false' class='hotspot-btn reg-btn ui-submit ui-btn ui-shadow ui-btn-corner-all ui-mini ui-btn-inline ui-btn-up-b' id= 'ui_registration_button' data-disabled='false' data-mini='true' data-inline='true' data-theme='b' data-wrapperels='span' data-iconshadow='true' data-shadow='true' data-corners='true'><span class='ui-btn-inner'><span class='ui-btn-text'>Get Access</span></span></div></div>");
regButton.on("click", function(){


if($('[id="ui_registration_button"]').length >1) {
for (i=1; i<=regButton.length; i++) {



As guest user are focusing on pressing buttons instead of UI links could you

provide a script to change the UI-link to a UI-button instead for ui_login_self_reg_button ?

Regards Holger

Serhii Pustovit
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

If you just need button instead of link:



$(document).on('pageshow', function() {

var regButton = $("input[type='submit']").parent().clone();

regButton.attr('id', 'ui_registration_button')


                regButton.on("click", function(){





                if($('[value="Sign On"]').length >1) {

                  for (i=1; i<=($('[value="Sign On"]')).length; i++) {

                    $($('[value="Sign On"]')[i]).parent().remove();







#ui_registration_button {

   padding: 6px 0 0px;

   height: 23px;

   position: absolute;

   top: 50%;

   left: 50%;

   margin-right: -50%;

   transform: translate(-50%, -400%);

   width: 18%;


.cisco-ise-main-content {

   height: 350px;


#portalloginForm {

   transform: translate(-0%, 25%);



Hi serhii,

the script will also remove the ui_login_signon_button from the login page  which should not be modified to allow login with credentials.

A new button is required for the ui_login_self_reg_button.

one last thing to be modified... in desktop mode the new button have to be centered like in mobile mode

(I put the button below the instruction text.)

Your script is great !

I just added one line to your script:



$(document).on('pageshow', function() {

var regButton = $("input[type='submit']").parent().clone();

regButton.attr('id', 'ui_registration_button')


                regButton.on("click", function(){




                $("#ui_registration_button").text("Get Access");

                if($('[value="Sign On"]').length >1) {

                  for (i=1; i<=($('[value="Sign On"]')).length; i++) {

                    $($('[value="Sign On"]')[i]).parent().remove();





#ui_registration_button {

   padding: 6px 0 0px;

   height: 23px;





Testing your script:


Desktop view  - It’s fine !


Mobile view


Get Access Button need to be moved down, while Sign one button need to be moved a little bit up.



When I try to tweak for the position on the mobile view , I got a shift in the desktop view too.




#ui_registration_button {

   padding: 6px 0 0px;

   height: 23px;

   position: absolute;

   top: 50%;

   left: 50%;

   margin-right: -50%;

   transform: translate(-50%, -270%);

   width: 18%;


.cisco-ise-main-content {

   height: 350px;


#portalloginForm {

   transform: translate(-0%, 25%);




Lloyd Bare
Level 4
Level 4

I've tried the scripts listed here as I would like to use a button instead of the link.  I get the button to show up, but it is not clickable.  It's acting like it's "greyed" out.  Any idea's?  Possibly missing something when copying/pasting?



Serhii Pustovit
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You should copy scripts and styles. 

Do you using acceptance checkbox for AUP on Login page?

Lloyd Bare
Level 4
Level 4

Yes; I have the AUP acceptance setup on the login page.


I copied scripts and styles.  Here is what I get. Even If I click the acceptance it is still greyed out.



Serhii Pustovit
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Could you please use this script instead of previous?



$(document).on('pageshow', function() {
var regButton = $("<div class='cisco-ise-form-buttons'><div aria-disabled='false' class='hotspot-btn reg-btn ui-submit ui-btn ui-shadow ui-btn-corner-all ui-mini ui-btn-inline ui-btn-up-b' id= 'ui_registration_button' data-disabled='false' data-mini='true' data-inline='true' data-theme='b' data-wrapperels='span' data-iconshadow='true' data-shadow='true' data-corners='true'><span class='ui-btn-inner'><span class='ui-btn-text'>Get Access</span></span></div></div>");
regButton.on("click", function(){
if($('[id="ui_registration_button"]').length >1) {
for (i=1; i<=regButton.length; i++) {


Let me know how it works.

Lloyd Bare
Level 4
Level 4

That worked great.  Appreciate it! 

Level 1
Level 1

What about forcing the end user to insert country code  +xx ? Can we do it? It would be nice to have a drop down box with that ;)

Level 4
Level 4

Does the script to change the button instead of link for the create a guest account link also work when using the portal builder?

Jason Kunst
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Portal builder needs special scripting through that team
Level 4
Level 4
Ok, thank you.
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