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The Portuguese version of this Article can be found at: ISE - Localized Installation .


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A new feature was created in Cisco ISE 3.2 Patch 5 to reduce the Time of Reinstalling Cisco ISE (saving at least 40 min), it is called Localized ISE Installation.

Note 1: this feature is also available from ISE 3.1 P9, ISE 3.3 P2 and ISE 3.4 !!!

Note 2: you can use this option to reinstall the Current or Higher Version of Cisco ISE !!!


Localized ISE Installation

How does it work ?

Create a Repository and copy the Cisco ISE ISO to the ISE Node disk (Cisco ISE 3.4 example) :


ise/admin# configure terminal

ise/admin(config)# repository <Repository Name>
ise/admin(config-repository-ISO)# url ftp: //<Server IP Addr>/
ise/admin(config-repository-ISO)# user <username> password plain <password>

ise/admin# copy repository <Repository Name> file ise- disk://


Execute the command:


ise/admin# application configure ise

Selection configuration option
[25]Localized ISE Install


ISO files present in the disk are:
[1] ise-
Choose the ISO you want to install: 1

Computing MD5 hash value of the selected ISO...
File selected: ise- (MD5: ac4f8bf234fd1b29ca0453ccd53102a7)

Warning: Verify the MD5 checksum of the ISO before you proceed.
Proceed with Installation? [y/n] y
Copying ISO contents to installer directories. The copy may take around 5 minutes.
% Notice: The appliance will reboot to install the chosen Cisco ISE release now.


Attention: the Localized ISE Install option is located in different positions depending on the Cisco ISE version:

  • ISE 3.4 - [25]
  • ISE 3.3 P2 - [38]
  • ISE 3.2 P5 - [36]
  • ISE 3.1 P9 - [36]


Once the Installation is complete, simply follow the configuration via Setup:


Please type ‘setup’ to configure the appliance
********************************************** localhost login: setup



Configure Localized ISE Installation

Localized ISE Installation - CLI

ISE Software Download


Sandro Nolasco
Level 1
Level 1

tks for sharing

@Sandro Nolasco ... thanks !!!

Martin L

Interesting...thanks for sharing!

@Martin L ... thanks a lot !!!

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