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Cisco Employee



Cisco Identity Services Engine v3.x offers major usability benefits across many of its use cases. With better speed and agility, you are able to achieve security resilience with a fully mature zero trust solution while gaining pervasive visibility and dynamic control. 

I am Viraj Nagarmunoli, Solutions Architect with Customer Success and together with Security Customer Success Specialist @Yash Kejariwal, I put together the table below summarising some of the key features of ISE 3.x

Feel free to ask us any questions about Cisco ISE upgrades using the vnagarmu_0-1663924340405.pngbutton below the post. 

Start planning your upgrade here.

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Capability Feature ISE 2.x ISE 3.x
Cloud Support

Cloud native ISE

Previously, ISE could only be deployed on a physical or a virtual appliance.

Now, you can deploy ISE on public cloud infrastructure including AWS, Azure and Oracle cloud as a native cloud solution. This can help you reduce operational expenses and gives you the ability to scale your deployment on-demand while automating routine tasks.

Policies for Azure AD

Previously ISE supported Azure AD identity provider using SAML and Oauth authentication protocols but there was limited support for dot1x

Now, Cisco ISE 3.x supports EAP-TLS and TEAP authentication with Azure AD.  This means that you can now create policies using group and attribute information when performing dot1x authentication which allows for differentiated and secure access.

Automation and APIs

Open API for system and policy management

Previously, API only exposed basic ISE infrastructure and session related content

With Open API support, ISE 3.x brings you a lot more automation capabilities such as policy and system management (like backups) while still supporting the other types of APIs 

Zero Touch Provisioning

The traditional way of deploying ISE had several touch points and was a manual process. It took several hours setting up a large deployment

Now, the new Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP) allows you to create a configuration file in which the ISE node can be configured (IP, hostname, DNS, etc.) Likewise, it can automatically install any hot fixes or patches immediately after it is set up. 

Posture and Compliance

Posture on Linux

Previously, ISE Posturing could be performed on Windows and OS X machines.

ISE Posture can now be performed for Linux devices too, along with Windows and OS X. That way, all endpoints on the network can be kept compliant and, if found non-compliant, they can be quarantined and remediated.

Agentless Posture

Previously you had to have an application installed on the endpoint to perform posture checks

By popular request, ISE can now be configured to assess the posture of an endpoint without having to roll out client applications across your entire install base. For you this means you gain all the visibility necessary without the need of an additional application. 


Promotion Alert: ISE 3.x offers a streamlined licensing scheme in line with Cisco DNA licensing tiers. Take advantage of the one year free licenses on Cisco limited-time promotion by upgrading your ISE deployment and licenses to version 3.x! 

Ask the Experts Recording: Please watch this VoD as our experts walk you through the steps to prepare, perform, and validate a successful ISE upgrade without headaches. Best practices, strategies to minimise downtime and different methods of upgrades for different types of ISE deployments are covered.

Ask the Experts Live: If you would like to ask the questions to one of our ISE experts live in during webinar, please register to one of the Upgrade Planning and Best Practices: Upgrading ISE Ask the Experts sessions.

Level 1
Level 1

Superb informational page! Thanks for sharing!

Level 1
Level 1

The availability on the public cloud infrastructure from AWS, Azure and Oracle cloud is great news.

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks for information!

Mary Reindeau
Level 1
Level 1

Great information!

Level 1
Level 1

Are all ISE roles supported in the cloud, or are only certain features available?

Can you deploy to multiple cloud providers, and if so, is there a best practice document for that?

The Agentless Posture is an awesome feature... would like to see it in action....sounds great on paper

Level 1
Level 1

I'm having a lot of issues around the ambiguity of the ISE Messaging Service, which is new to v3.x of ISE.  Certficate reuquirements, inter-dependencies and Queue Link error (whatever they are) in a complex multi-host cluster are less than straight-forward.

David Cardenas
Level 1
Level 1

Thnaks for the info! So interesting for those whoes don´t use this kind of services yet.

Felipe Patino

Este tipo de servicios aún no los utilizamos en mi compañia, pero un manual descriptivo con mayor detalle podría ayudar para ver ventajas de ellos.

Paulo Thame
Level 1
Level 1

Thank you for sharing this!

We are studing to obtain the ISE, sure it will be great for us!
Level 1
Level 1

I'll have to disagree on the ability to build a ISE 3.x deployment without headaches. 

I'm working to automate my build of ISE 3.1 so that I can move from v2.4.  There are a number of configuration items that are not exposed via API or are just broken (profiling export/import, external RADIUS servers, RADIUS token servers, multiple TrustSec matrices, etc.).  I've provided some feedback on this through my sales and support teams, and I must give credit that I've seen at least one of those items addressed in later service packs (nestable endpoint identity groups).  Unfortunately, I've also seen that those later service packs change some APIs (network device groups) and break compatibility of automation code depending on the patch levels.

Back to giving credit:  I do appreciate the ZTP functionality.  I can initiate the VM build via Terraform and end up with a fully patched and useable node.

Level 1
Level 1

Great share , good to know new features of ISE . 

Level 1
Level 1

Any reference about licensing and support services?

Level 1
Level 1

Awesome...nice info

Level 1
Level 1

Thank you for you insights

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