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Santosh Sharma
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


1. Useful links

Satellite 51x configuration guide

Satellite 43x configuration guide

Satellite TSG

ASR9000 Satellite QoS offload FAQ

ASR9000 nv Satellite Optics Support Matrix

ASR9000/XR: Using Satellite(Tech Note)


2. General 

1. How to check the arp when the satellite has auto ip configured?

sh arp vrf **nVSatellite


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:9K-MSN1#sh arp vrf **nVSatellite





Address         Age        Hardware Addr   State      Type  Interface        -          6c9c.ed0d.8080  Interface  ARPA  Bundle-Ether400      -          8478.ac06.c1e0  Satellite  ARPA  Bundle-Ether400



2. How to ping the satellite when it is auto ip configured?

Use “show nv satellite status brief” command to get the satellite ip address

ping vrf **nVSatellite <sat ip address> can be used to ping the auto ip


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:9K-MSN1#show nv satellite status brief

Sat-ID  Type      IP Address    MAC address     Status

------  --------  ------------  --------------  -------------------------------

400     asr9000v    8478.ac06.c1e0  Connected (Act) 


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:9K-MSN1#ping vrf **nVSatellite

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms



3. How to login to the satellite from ASR9k console if we have auto-ip configured?

Take the satellite IP address from the "show nv satellite status brief" output.

telnet vrf **nVSatellite <sat_ip_add> from asr9k console can be used to login to the satellite.


4. Is there any command that displays the ICL_id, sat ip address and host ip address on the satellite?

Following commands can be used to get these info:

show satellite discovery

show satellite control

show satellite  iclid_info active


5. How to retrieve satellite shelf inventory info (SFP types and serial numbers etc) from the 9K?

"show inventory" under admin mode.


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:nv-cluster-escalation(admin)#sh inventory



NAME: "module SAT200/0/CPU0", DESCR: "ASR-9000v GE-SFP Line Card"

PID: ASR-9000v, VID: N/A, SN:


NAME: "module mau GigabitEthernet200/0/CPU0/0", DESCR: "CISCO           "




6. How to transfer/activate image to all satellites from host?

install nv satellite transfer all

install nv satellite activate all


7.  How to check if the image transfer is complete on the satellite after  the image transfer is initiated on ASR9K to the satellites?

Check the output of “show nv satellite status brief”.


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:HOST1#show nv satellite status brief               

Sat-ID  Type      IP Address    MAC address     Status

------  --------  ------------  --------------  -------------------------------

500     asr901   c464.13b0.ce74  Connected (Act; Transferred)  

600     asr901   c464.13b0.cab4  Connected (Act; Transferred)  

700     asr901   7cad.7404.7c70  Connected (Act; Transferred)  

800     asr901   4403.a7f9.80ec  Connected (Act; Transferred)  



8. How much time does it takes for image transfer?

Typical times for image transfer for 9000v is about 3-5 mins and for 901 is 4-6 mins.



9. What are the confreg values for satellite ASR9000v in the following scenarios?

To select the image in flash during reload command:  0x101

To get the image from flash during activate from asr9k: 0x101


10. What are the confreg values for satellite ASR901 in the following scenarios?

To select the image in flash during reload command:  0x2042

To get the image from flash during activate from asr9k:  0x2042


11. How to check if the crosslink on the satellite is formed or not?

LC:Satellite#show satellite crosslink Gi0/10

Interconnect Link: GigabitEthernet0/10   xos_if: 6

icl_id: 10   host_id: 0   cp_vlan: 0

Link State: Up   SDAC State: Discovered   Crosslink State: Up


Access Port     Link State     ForcedDown?     TxDisabled?   


Gi0/0           Down           No              No            

Gi0/1           Down           No              No            

Gi0/2           Down           No              No            

Gi0/3           Down           No              No            

Gi0/4           Down           No              No            

Gi0/5           Up             No              No            

Gi0/6           Down           No              No            

Gi0/7           Up             No              No            

Gi0/8           Down           No              No            

Gi0/9           Down           No              No            




12. Is Serial number Mandatory?

    • Hub And Spoke: Not Mandatory
    • Simple Ring: Mandatory
    • Dual Home: Mandatory
    • L2Fab: Mandatory


13. How many VRF  Licenses are required for auto-ip?

One per host(if dual head)


14.  What is port partitioning means?

Port Partitioning defines the mapping range of satellite access ports to different ICLs on Host. For eg. in  case of 9000v we have 44 ports and can have mapping 0-20 to one ICL and 21-43  ports to another ICL on host.


15.  Which all ports are ICL ports in 9000v?

Four 10Gig ICLs: 1/45 – 1/48


16. Which all ports are ICL ports in 901?

Two 1Gig ICLs: Gig0/10 & Gig0/11


17.  Is 1G ICL supported on 9000v?

Yes, ports ten 1/45 and ten 1/46 can be used as 1G ICL by inserting 1G SFP


18.  Can 10G and 1G  ICL be used together in 9000v?

Yes. For eg. Ten 1/45 is using 1G SFP while ten1/46 is using 10G SFP


19.  Can 10G port on the 901-AC-10G chassis be used as ICL?

No, the 10G ports can neither be used as ICL nor as Access ports in 5.1.1 release


20. How to debug if there is an issue with satellite specific traffic drops?

Please debug the drops on the satellite using


21. The satellite crashed while doing some config changes. How to debug this?

Collect the crashinfo dumped in the flash of the satellite. Decode the traceback and involve the appropriate team to triage this further.


22.  What is the support for different connectivity options in 5.1.1 release?

The following topology options are supported.

    • Direct connectivity – “Hub and Spoke”
    • Chains of Satellites with single host
    • Ring of satellites with dual host
    • L2FAB
    • Dual Homing


The following topology options are not supported:

    • Branched Networks
    • Network with Loops
    • Simple Ring over L2FAB
    • Simple Ring with both ends terminating on same host


23. Which Satellite devices supports the new 5.1.1 release topologies?

ASR9000v and ASR901


24. Do we support ISSU upgrade for satellite?



25. Can we run SNMP query for Satellite ICL interface?


26. How many satellites do we support when connected as Hub and Spoke topology for Cluster and non-Cluster node?




3. Simple Ring

1. How to check which icl port of satellite is connected to the other icl port of the next satellite in the simple ring topology?

Output of "show nv satellite topology interface <ICL interface on host>" gives the details of Ring Topology



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Host1#sh nv satellite topology interface tenGig 0/1/0/1

Tue Feb 25 22:25:57.997 UTC



  Redundancy-Group: 2

  Discovery status: Running


    Satellite 200 (BVID 2002)


      Received Serial Number: CAT1746U0VM

      MAC address: 8478.ac07.3198

      Satellite fabric links:

        TenGE/0/0/0 (Remote ID: 0x1):

          Host (TenGigE0/1/0/1)

        TenGE/0/0/2 (Remote ID: 0x3):

          Sat 300 (TenGE/0/0/2 (Remote ID: 0x3))


    Satellite 300 (BVID 2003)


      Received Serial Number: CAT1746U15F

      MAC address: 8478.ac07.3574

      Satellite fabric links:

        TenGE/0/0/2 (Remote ID: 0x3):

          Sat 200 (TenGE/0/0/2 (Remote ID: 0x3))

        TenGE/0/0/0 (Remote ID: 0x1):

          Remote port not yet identified



2. How to check if the ICCP group is up or not in Simple Ring?

show iccp group <iccp_group_num>” gives the ICCP details.


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:nv-cluster-escalation#sh iccp group 2

Tue Feb 25 22:27:50.636 UTC

Redundancy Group 2

  member ip: (9K-MSN1), up (connected)

    monitor: route-watch (up)

  No backbone interfaces.

  enabled applications: SatelliteORBIT

  isolation recovery delay timer: 180 s, not running



3. How to check if the orbit has come up or not in Dual Home?

show nv satellite protocol redundancy


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:9K-MSN1#show nv satellite protocol redundancy

ICCP Group: 2


  Status: Connected since 2014/02/21 20:09:17.081

  Role: Primary (System MAC: 6c9c.ed0d.8586)


    Control (0)


      Channel status: Open

      Messages sent: 8 (4 control), received: 6 (3 control).


    Topology (14)


      Channel status: Open

      Messages sent: 29 (14 control), received: 3 (0 control).



4. Can we have sat-ether bundle with members spanning from different satellites in a ring?

The configuration is not blocked but since satellites can be active/Stby on different hosts, they cannot be bundled in a single bundle effectively.


5. How to check if isolation recovery delay timer  is running when the backbone interface/ICCP interface is brought back UP with PE isolation feature configured?

Check the output of “show iccp group <iccp_group_num>


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:nv-cluster-escalation#sh iccp group 2

Tue Feb 25 22:27:50.636 UTC

Redundancy Group 2

  member ip: (9K-MSN1), up (connected)

    monitor: route-watch (up)

  No backbone interfaces.

  enabled applications: SatelliteORBIT

  isolation recovery delay timer: 180 s, not running




6. Is bundle ICL supported on Simple Ring  topology?




7. Is ASR901 AC model supported and can be used in Simple Ring in 5.1.1 release?

Yes, ASR901 AC model is supported. But only 1G ports are used for both ICL and access ports testing on 5.1.1 release.


8. Is auto Ip supported on Simple Ring?



9. What are the different states the sats go to during redundancy switchover and during icpe_satmgr process restart in Simple ring setup? Will there be any traffic drop at that time?

During redundancy switchover/icpe_satmgr process restart, the active satellites on that host go to connecting and then to connected state.

The standby satellites on that host goes to configuring, and then to connected state. The configuring/connecting changes are all expected. This is because  there is a temporary split brain scenario, which causes the TCP  session to be re-established. The split brain scenario has different impact on the Active and the Standby hosts.


There is a possibility of temporary traffic drops for 1-2 secs.


10. How is the active/standby host selection done in case of Simple Ring? What all aspects are considered for this election?

The following 5 criterion are considered for the active/standby host selection:

    • "connectedness" - to be considered connected, SDAC discovery must be up and SDAC control must have come up at some point (it does not have to be up permanently, as we don't want TCP flaps to cause failover)
    • PE-isolation
    • user-configured priority
    • number of hops
    • tie-break (odd/even numbered satellites)


11. I did install nv satellite activate for all satellites in ring, but some satellites did not boot up with latest image

For Ring first issue “install nv satellite transfer all” and wait for image to be transferred successfully to all satellites(show nv sat status brief). Then execute “install nv satellite activate”.


12. Is port partitioning supported in Simple Ring?



4. Dual Home

1. How to check if the ICCP group is up or not in Dual Home?

Check the output of “show iccp group <iccp_group_num>” which gives the details.


2. How to check if the orbit has come up or not in Dual Home>

Check the output of “show nv satellite protocol redundancy” which gives the details.


3. What are the limitations with respect to satellite Dual-home pairing?

A satellite  can only be connected to two hosts

A host can only be in one dual-home pairing


4. Is port partitioning supported in Dual Home?



5. What would be the IP addresses for Active and Standby in case of DH topology with auto-ip?

Active host will have and Standby-host will have


6. Is bundle ICL supported on Dual Home  topology?


7. Does satellite automatically reroutes to standby host incase of Primary host failure. How much time does it takes for traffic convergence?

The satellite automatically reroutes to the other ASR9K host incase of Primary host failure. We should see sub-second convergence for L2 traffic. For L3 the convergence will be dependent on the routing protocol.

8. Does the satellite reverts back to the active host incase the active host comes back up after failure.

      Yes. The satellite reverts back to the active host incase the active host comes back up after failure. Please note that the satellite status on the active host should be "Connected", otherwise the satellite will not revert back to the Previous Active host.

9. For PE Isolation switchover, will a Dual home switchover be triggered if the backbone interface was still up and only the IGP goes down for some reason ?

    No, the PE isolated DH switchover only triggers when the link goes down physically or is administratively shut on the Active Host . It is not triggered if  the IGP goes down on the backbone interface but the link is up .

5. L2 Fabric


1. What is the configurable VLAN range on the L2fab link in case of  ASR9000v/ASR901  platform?

9000v: 4092 (VLAN 1 & 4094 are reserved for internal usage)

901: 4093 (VLAN 1 is reserved for internal usage)


2. What are the encapsulation types supported on L2Fab links?

802.1q & 802.1ad


3. Is bundle ICL supported in L2fab topology?



4. Is auto-IP supported in L2fab?



5. Is Dual Home supported in L2fab?



6. Is port partitioning supported in L2fab?



7. Is CFM on ICL link mandatory for L2FAB?

No , but without CFM convergence for DH SO will be very slow(>30 secs). To achieve subsec convergence it is recommended to use CFM on the ICL link


8. Can we use same VLAN ID on both Hosts in L2fab-DH topology?

Yes, but only when 2 physical ICL links are used on SAT where each ICL is mapped to different hosts. Refer to L2FAB supported topologies


9. What is the VLAN-ID  and encap-type to be used in case of single ICL link on SAT?

In case of single ICL on SAT we need to make sure different VLAN ID and same encapsulation type are used on the L2fab links on Hosts


10. Can we use different encap-type on the L2fab links on Hosts in L2fab-Dual Home topology?

Yes . But make sure 2 physical ICLs are used on SAT, one for each Host.



11.    How to Check active ICL on Satellite with corresponding sdac state on it?


LC:Satellite#sh satellite iclid_info active


    ICL ID Table Index  : 0



ICL ID              : 5

ICL Hwidb           : 1F413D9C

Host id             : 0

Host ICL mac        : 0022.bddf.685d

CP Vlan             : 100

BD Vlan             : 100

MODE                : 8021AH

BVID                : 100

Betype              : 2

SDAC State          : SAT9k_SDAC_UP





    ICL ID Table Index  : 1



ICL ID              : 6

ICL Hwidb           : 1F413D9C

Host id             : 1

Host ICL mac        : 0022.bbe2.bd24

CP Vlan             : 200

BD Vlan             : 200

MODE                : 8021AH

BVID                : 200

Betype              : 2

SDAC State          : SAT9k_SDAC_UP




Note: vlan-id,sdac state, host-icl mac, mode etc. can be verified form this o/p


12.     How to verify Satellite IP config from Satellite?


LC:Satellite#sh ip int br

TenGigabitEthernet1/45 unassigned      YES unset  up                    up 

TenGigabitEthernet1/46 unassigned      YES unset  down                  down   

TenGigabitEthernet1/47 unassigned      YES unset  up                    up     

TenGigabitEthernet1/48 unassigned      YES unset  up                    up     

GigabitEthernet0/4     YES unset  up                    up     

GigabitEthernet0/5     YES unset  up                    up  


Note: Tengig1/45 is the ICL. Gig0/4 & gig0/5 are CPU ports on which is the actual satellite ip get configured. Since this is Dual Home topology we see 2 CPU ports are configured with the same satellite ip address.


13.     How to check cross link map in case of l2fab-Dual Home?


LC:Satellite#sh satellite crosslink tenGigabitEthernet 1/45

Interconnect Link: TenGigabitEthernet1/45   xos_if: 5

icl_id: 5   host_id: 0   cp_vlan: 100

Link State: Up   SDAC State: Discovered   Crosslink State: Up

Interconnect Link: TenGigabitEthernet1/45   xos_if: 5

icl_id: 6   host_id: 1   cp_vlan: 200

Link State: Up   SDAC State: Discovered   Crosslink State: Down


Access Port     ICLID          Link State      ForcedDown?     TxDisabled?   


Gi1/1           5              Down            No              No            

Gi1/2           5              Up              No              No            

Gi1/3           5              Down            No              No            

Gi1/4           5              Down            No              No            

Gi1/5           5              Down            No              No            

Gi1/6           5              Down            No              No            

Gi1/7           5              Down            No              No      


Note: check both VLANs are programmed on the ICL with corresponding host-id and vlans.


14. What are the supported L2FAB circuits?

Only Point-to-point circuits are recommended for L2FAB satellites. P-to-mp L2 cloud is not supported.


12. Is port partitioning supported in L2FAB?


6. Supported L2Fab Topology(5.1.1 release)

Single Home


1. Single Physical ICL on Host and Satellite




2. Multiple Satellites with Same Host


3. Mutlitple Satellites with same hosts having multiple ICLs


4. Co-existence of L1 and L2FAB on host


Dual Home


1. Single Physical ICL on Hosts as well as Satellite


2. Single Physical ICL on Host and Multiple ICLs on Satellite


3. Dual Home with Multiple Satellites and Single ICL






Abhisek Jhunjhunwala,

S/W Engineer, ASR9000


Ram Mohan A M,

S/W Engineer, ASR9000


Santosh Sharma, CCIE #40773

S/W Engineer, ASR9000


Sowmya L

S/W Engineer, ASR9000

Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Hi, All:


Quick question: for a dual-home environment, when the active linkA goes down from sat-to-hostA, the standby linkB from sat-to-hostB takes over. What is expected to happen when linkA recovers. What we've seen is that it doesn't revert back to linkA. Is there a way to control this and force a 'revertive' behavior? What would be the command for 5.1 to enforce this in case it can be controlled?




Santosh Sharma
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Carlos,


By default the satellite will revert back to the active Link once it comes back up. Can you please verify the configs on the hosts.




Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Thanks, Santosh:


Here's my config:


Host A:


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:XXXXXX#show run redundancy 
Thu Mar 26 07:03:43.371 UTC
  group 200
    neighbor X.X.X.X



RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:XXXXXXX#show run nv
Thu Mar 26 07:04:23.472 UTC
 satellite 200
  type asr9000v
  ipv4 address
   host-priority 32
  serial-number XXXXXXX




interface TenGigE0/0/1/1
 description XXXXXXXX
 vrf sat_mgmt
 ipv4 point-to-point
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback100
  satellite-fabric-link satellite 200
    iccp-group 200
   remote-ports GigabitEthernet 0/0/0-4



Host B:


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:XXXXXX#show run redundancy 
Thu Mar 26 08:18:53.495 CST
  group 200
    neighbor X.X.X.X


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:XXXXXXXX#show run nv
Thu Mar 26 08:19:19.411 CST
 satellite 200
  type asr9000v
  ipv4 address
   host-priority 64
  serial-number XXXXXXXX


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:XXXXXXX#show run int TenGigE0/0/1/1
Thu Mar 26 08:20:30.220 CST
interface TenGigE0/0/1/1
 description XXXXXXXX
 vrf sat_mgmt
 ipv4 point-to-point
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback100
  satellite-fabric-link satellite 200
    iccp-group 200
   remote-ports GigabitEthernet 0/0/0-4


Santosh Sharma
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Carlos,


Thanks a lot for sharing the running config. The configs looks fine, the satellite should revert back to the active host once the Active hosts comes back up.


We need to debug it further. Can you please collect: "show tech satellite", "show iccp group <>", "show nv sate stat" from both the hosts after the Active host comes up.



Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Hi, Santosh:



i opened a Tac SR and they said what I'm seeing is normal behavior. They said user configured priority is only used by satellite on bootup.

now, i'm confused.



Santosh Sharma
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Carlos,


Please share the SR# opened to track this. We will take a look.




Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Hi, Santosh:


SR is 634258869.

there you can find my email address. Please share any findings you come to. Also, I added a few questions to the SR a little late that have not been answered.




Level 1
Level 1


what is the maximum number of ASR9000V satellites that can be connected to a single ASR9K and ASR9K cluster, in Hub & Spoke mode ?



Santosh Sharma
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Harin,


At present we support 64 satellites for H&S mode. The number is same for both cluster and non-cluster nodes.

Santosh Sharma
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Carlos,

I had a look at the logs. The satellite will revert back to the active host only if the satellite's state is "Connected" on the active host. We need to check why the satellite is stuck in "Connecting" at the Active host.

I think other Qs are already answered in the SR itself. Let me know if any Q is outstanding.


Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Hi, Santosh:


Now I'm really confused, because what TAC says is that I have 'normal' behavior. What I gather from the first part of your post is that something is in fact wrong with my setup and that I should follow up with TAC. If so, could you point that out to the TAC engineer in charge of my SR?




Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3



Just as a follow up: I have the 'connected' status in the active host, always have.


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:XXXXXXX#show nv sat status sat 200
Fri Apr 10 07:57:20.001 CST
Satellite 200
  Status: Connected (Stable)
  Redundancy: Active (Group: 200)
  Type: asr9000v
  MAC address: XXXXXXX
  IPv4 address: (VRF: sat_mgmt)
  Serial Number: XXXXXXXXXX
  Remote version: Compatible (latest version)
    ROMMON: 127.0 (Latest)
    FPGA: 1.13 (Latest)
    IOS: 327.0 (Latest)
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-4



Let me ask you this, do you have a testbed where you actually see this revertive behavior?




Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Hi, Santosh:


Sorry for hogging the comments, but I wanted to ask you the following: my setup initially had all SATs connecting to one single host. Then customer started dual-homing them.

Since we had single-host connection we used a single IP address and the same Ip address for all hosts (9010, as ip unnumbered loopback). I'm not using auto-ip.


If using static ip addressing on all SATs and having, at least one dual-homed, should the host ip be different in both active and standby hosts? also, should i configure the static ip address of the DH sat differently in both the active and standby host (or can it stay the same)?




Santosh Sharma
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Carlos,


Sorry for the delayed reply. Below is the log from my testbed:

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS#show run nv satellite 300
 satellite 300
  type asr9000v
  ip address
  description sat300
   host-priority 200
  serial-number CAT1721U0G7
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Connected (Stable)
  Redundancy: Active (Group: 10)
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  MAC address: 8478.ac03.65d8
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Remote version: Compatible (not latest version)
    ROMMON: 127.0 (Latest)
    FPGA: 1.13 (Latest)
    IOS: 532.3 (Available: 532.1)
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/0: Satellite Ready; No conflict


RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:R1#show run nv satellite 300             
 satellite 300
  type asr9000v
  ip address
  description sat300
   host-priority 230
  serial-number CAT1721U0G7
HOST B (Current Standby)
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:R1#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Connected (Stable)
  Redundancy: Standby (Group: 10)
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  MAC address: 8478.ac03.65d8
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Remote version: Compatible (not latest version)
    ROMMON: 127.0 (Latest)
    FPGA: 1.13 (Latest)
    IOS: 532.3 (Available: 532.1)
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/11: Satellite Ready; No conflict
        TenGigE0/0/0/17: Satellite Ready; No conflict
ICL SHUT Performed on HOST A
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS#conf t
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS(config)#inter bundle-ether 1
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Discovery Stalled; Conflict: interface is down                  <<<<<<<<< Active gone down
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Discovery Stalled; Conflict: interface is down
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/0: Discovery Stalled; interface is down
HOST B after ICL SHUT (Become Active now)
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:R1#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Connected (Stable)
  Redundancy: Active (Group: 10)
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  MAC address: 8478.ac03.65d8
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Remote version: Compatible (not latest version)
    ROMMON: 127.0 (Latest)
    FPGA: 1.13 (Latest)
    IOS: 532.3 (Available: 532.1)
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/11: Satellite Ready; No conflict
        TenGigE0/0/0/17: Satellite Ready; No conflict
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS#conf t
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS(config)#inter bundle-ether 1
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS(config-if)#no shut
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Connecting
  Redundancy: Standby (satellite out-of-sync) (Group: 10)              <<<<<<<<<<<< It take matter of time for both Host to get sync to final state.
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  MAC address: 8478.ac03.65d8
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/0: Satellite Ready; No conflict
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Connected (Stable)
  Redundancy: Active (satellite out-of-sync) (Group: 10)
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  MAC address: 8478.ac03.65d8
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Remote version: Compatible (not latest version)
    ROMMON: 127.0 (Latest)
    FPGA: 1.13 (Latest)
    IOS: 532.3 (Available: 532.1)
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/0: Satellite Ready; No conflict
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:TARDIS#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Connected (Stable)
  Redundancy: Active (Group: 10)                                        <<<<<<<<<<<<< Finally ACTIVE
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  MAC address: 8478.ac03.65d8
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Remote version: Compatible (not latest version)
    ROMMON: 127.0 (Latest)
    FPGA: 1.13 (Latest)
    IOS: 532.3 (Available: 532.1)
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/0: Satellite Ready; No conflict
HOST B (It take few seconds to change the state after ICL NO-SHUT)
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:R1#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Connected (Stable)
  Redundancy: Active (Group: 10)                     <<<<<<<<<<<<< It take matter of time to change the state
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  MAC address: 8478.ac03.65d8
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Remote version: Compatible (not latest version)
    ROMMON: 127.0 (Latest)
    FPGA: 1.13 (Latest)
    IOS: 532.3 (Available: 532.1)
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/11: Satellite Ready; No conflict
        TenGigE0/0/0/17: Satellite Ready; No conflict
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:R1#show nv satellite status satellite 300
Satellite 300
  Status: Connected (Stable)
  Redundancy: Standby (Group: 10)                                      <<<<<<<<<<<<< Now changed state.
  Type: asr9000v
  Description: sat300
  MAC address: 8478.ac03.65d8
  IPv4 address: (VRF: default)
  Serial Number: CAT1721U0G7
  Remote version: Compatible (not latest version)
    ROMMON: 127.0 (Latest)
    FPGA: 1.13 (Latest)
    IOS: 532.3 (Available: 532.1)
  Configured satellite fabric links:
      Status: Satellite Ready
      Remote ports: GigabitEthernet0/0/0-43
      Discovered satellite fabric links:
        TenGigE0/0/0/11: Satellite Ready; No conflict
        TenGigE0/0/0/17: Satellite Ready; No conflict
Please open a new SR if you are still seeing the non-revertive behaviour in your node.
Carlos A. Silva
Level 3
Level 3

Thank you very much, Santosh!


Are you using different IP addresses for both hosts? For example:


Host A/B:

interface TenGigE0/0/1/1
 vrf sat_mgmt
 ipv4 point-to-point
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback100
  satellite-fabric-link satellite 200
    iccp-group 200
   remote-ports GigabitEthernet 0/0/0-4


interface Loopback100
 vrf sat_mgmt
 ipv4 address


interface Loopback100
 vrf sat_mgmt
 ipv4 address

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