11-20-2018 11:34 PM - edited 03-01-2019 02:01 PM
When VSM services part fails, the failure will not propagate to ABF, which will result in black holing of the traffic instead of switching the traffic to backup VSM, if one exists
To track the reach-ability between Ingress service App interface and Egress traffic port using IPSLA and trigger the ABF when this reach-ability breaks.
Consider a router with VSM and CGN services running on both of them. We have applied an ABF on Ingress port with first next hop pointing to Ingress service App in VSM1 and second next hop pointing to Ingress service App in VSM 2. At any instance, when next hop 1 becomes unreachable, the ABF will start diverting the traffic to service App in VSM2. Hence black holing of traffic will be avoided.
Each VSM has service and Infra part. There are situations where a service part of the VSM will not get propagated to infra part of VSM, which results in ABF been not notified of the next hop failure. So ABF will not switch the traffic to next hop, instead will continue to forward traffic to VSM1 which will result in traffic dropped as service part is no longer in running state to process the traffic.
To mitigate this scenario, one of the approach it to implement IPSLA which will track the path from Ingress service App to Egress traffic port. IPSLA used ICMP to track the path. If any failure happens in service part, this path will break and IP reachability goes down. Hence when service part of VSM fails, the IPSLA catches the failure. The failure will be propagated to ABF from then on and action will be taken accordingly which will be switchover of traffic from nexthop1 to next hop 2. Even after the failure, the IPSLA continues to track the path and once it comes back again, ABF will switch traffic back to nexthop1. Thus the traffic black holing due to services part failure is mitigated.
Following figures give a clear explanation on packet flow when VSM1 is active and when VSM1 fails. Also it gives explanation where the IPSLA is triggered. After these figures, the configuration examples are provided, which will help in implementing the solution without any hick ups.
This solution is verified on ASR9K routers with VSM running CGN services. We need to define one IPSLA track per VSM card using any one service App. The same can be used for tracking all ABFs associated with that card
Note: Please refer to following cisco support forum page for detailed explanation on CGN on VSM with HA scenarios.
IPSLA Tracking Enabled between service Ingress Port and Egress Traffic Port:
Traffic Path When VSM 1 is Active:
Example configuration:
Ingress traffic port configuration:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Hulk#sh running-config interface bundle-ether 400.101
interface Bundle-Ether400.101
ipv4 address
encapsulation dot1q 101
ipv4 access-group VNAT1_ABF ingress
Egress traffic port configuration:
interface TenGigE0/3/0/4
ipv4 address
Ingress service App configuration:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Hulk#sh running-config interface serviceApp 1
interface ServiceApp1
vrf SVSM-1
ipv4 address
load-interval 30
service cgn VSM-1 service-type nat44
VRF configuration for ingress service App:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Hulk#sh running-config vrf SVSM-1
vrf SVSM-1
description <<inside vrf1 on VSM-1>>
address-family ipv4 unicast
import route-target
export route-target
Static route to Traffic Egress port under Ingress next Hop:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Hulk#sh running-config router static vrf SVSM-1
router static
vrf SVSM-1
address-family ipv4 unicast vrf default ServiceApp1
IPSLA Configuration:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Hulk#sh running-config ipsla
operation 1000
type icmp echo
vrf SVSM-1
source address
destination address
timeout 2000
frequency 5
reaction operation 1000
react timeout
action logging
schedule operation 1000
start-time now
life forever
Track configuration:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Hulk#sh running-config track
track TSA1
type rtr 1000 reachability
delay up 5
delay down 5
ABF configuration (ABF is attached to ingress traffic port):
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Hulk#sh running-config ipv4 access-list VNAT1_ABF
ipv4 access-list VNAT1_ABF
10 permit ipv4 any nexthop1 track TSA1 vrf SVSM-1 ipv4 nexthop2 vrf SVSM-33 ipv4
20 permit ipv4 any nexthop1 track TSA1 vrf SVSM-3 ipv4 nexthop2 vrf SVSM-35 ipv4
30 permit ipv4 any nexthop1 track TSA1 vrf SVSM-5 ipv4 nexthop2 vrf SVSM-37 ipv4
40 permit ipv4 any nexthop1 track TSA1 vrf SVSM-7 ipv4 nexthop2 vrf SVSM-39 ipv4
50 permit ipv4 any nexthop1 track TSA1 vrf SVSM-9 ipv4 nexthop2 vrf SVSM-41 ipv4
60 permit ipv4 any nexthop1 track TSA1 vrf SVSM-11 ipv4 nexthop2 vrf SVSM-43 ipv4
70 permit ipv4 any nexthop1 track TSA1 vrf SVSM-13 ipv4 nexthop2 vrf SVSM-45 ipv4
80 permit ipv4 any nexthop1 track TSA1 vrf SVSM-15 ipv4 nexthop2 vrf SVSM-47 ipv4
1000 permit ipv4 any any
IPSLA statistics:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Hulk#sh ipsla statistics
Entry number: 1000
Modification time: 16:15:15.275 IST Fri May 20 2016
Start time : 16:15:15.276 IST Fri May 20 2016
Number of operations attempted: 18435
Number of operations skipped : 0
Current seconds left in Life : Forever
Operational state of entry : Active
Operational frequency(seconds): 5
Connection loss occurred : FALSE
Timeout occurred : FALSE
Latest RTT (milliseconds) : 47
Latest operation start time : 17:51:25.481 IST Sat May 21 2016
Next operation start time : 17:51:30.481 IST Sat May 21 2016
Latest operation return code : OK
RTT Values:
RTTAvg : 47 RTTMin: 47 RTTMax : 47
NumOfRTT: 1 RTTSum: 47 RTTSum2: 2209
Results :
VSM HA will induce 15sec of delay while convergence if CGN APP fails.
IPSLA solution can help us reduce the SWO time considering IPSLA probes tracking.
Note: Probe timers should not be less than 10 to avoid building stress conditions.
Hello Nitin,
Excellent article about active-active VSM mode.
It reminds me on my setup of VSM solution.
1. Per your config, is it enough to SLA tracking only one ServiceApp1 on VSM module?
There is no need to track ServiceApp1, ServiceApp3, ServiceApp5... because they are all on the same VSM module?
So there is no need to send SLA traffic inbound to inside physical interface Bundle-Ether400.101 to get NATed?
It can be just sourced from ServiceApp interface, no need for a traffic to right enter a ServiceApp through an inside physical interface?
2. In your setup you have only one uplink interface TenGigE0/3/0/4 (to the Internet).
If we have a multihoming, then this SLA tracking of only one uplink is maybe not accurate because if this particular uplink will go down then there is a ABF switchover and that is actually not necessary because other uplinks will work.
Is there a valid solution if a SLA tracking is toward a Loopback interface in global routing table?
3. I found a command o2i-vrf-override, is this a valid solution instead of a route leaking?
In your config ServiceApp1 is in vrf SVSM-1 and inside physical port Bundle-Ether400.101 is in global routing table.
Would that command help here so you don't have a following static route in your config?
router static
vrf SVSM-1
address-family ipv4 unicast vrf default
I appreciate your answers.
Best regards,
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