02:28 PM
- edited on
11:53 PM
Eri Mizuno
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[Demo] Find how to Select the Optimal Software Version in CX Cloud (03:21)
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All of them are pretty good quick tips! Thank you!
Useful info, thanks
Finding the right software version is one of the most relevant topics for me. Not only does that functionality help to determine the right software version, it also gives the confidence, that the software selected is working properly with the device that was selected to be upgraded.
I particularly liked a demo since we are currently in implementation stage, which is "Thousand Eyes and AWS Integration".
Great tips, really like the software upgrade optimization
Thanks a lot it helps a lot Great set of tips, any solutions that reduce workload are at a premium these days
i like 5) Reduce the number of software images and mitigate risk
trimming analysis time is very important to me
It is a great achievement to be able to cut down the analysis time to a shorter period, which can speed up further decision-making.
Cool thips , I like the RMA part.
I like Reduce 2-5 mins/case from your case management time
Thank you. Its an insightfull and usefull post.
Great information and useful
Very inspiring! Looking forward to use CX Cloud within enterprise.
I like the ability below -
Keeps software versions current in conjunction with Cisco DNA Center;
Inhibiting and controlling software version sprawl in an Enterprise network is critical so capability to help in that function is good
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