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The objective of this document to configure audio codec used on SIP session by WIP310. WIP310 supports different types of codec like G711, G729 and G723 and other codecs. Each type of codec has different bit rate, compression algorithm and Mean Opinion Score (MOS).

Applicable Devices

• WIP310

Step-by-Step Procedure

Step 1. Using Wireless Telephone Configuration utility, choose Ext1 tab.

Step 2. Go to Audio configuration area and enter parameters

• Preferred Codec — Preferred codec for all calls. Default codec is G711u.

– G711u — G711 codec used in North America and Japan.

– G711a — G711 codec format used in the rest of the world.

– G723-32 — G721 family codec type with a bit rate of 32kbps.

– G729a — G729  family with lower compression complexity and low computational power with low speech quality.

• G729a Enable — Enable G729a codec at 8kps. Default is Yes, where G729a is enabled.

• Release Unused Codec — Release unused codec types.

• Silence Supp Enable — Enable silence suppression so that silent audio frames are not transmitted. Default is no.

• Use Pre Codec Only — Use only the preferred codec for all calls. The default option is no. If it is enabled and the call fails, it means that the far end does not support the chosen codec type.

• G726-32 Enable — Enable G726 codec at 32 kbps. Default is yes.

• DTMF Process AVT — Default value is yes. Disable to not include payload types.

• DTMF Tx Method — Select the method to transmit DTMF signals to the other end. The default option is Auto. WIP310 supports different types of DTMF Tx methods such as InBand, AVT, INFO, INBand+INFO and AVT+INFO.

Step 3. Click Submit All Changes.

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