Access the CLI via PuTTY Using a Console Connection on 300 and 500 Series Managed Switches how to document. Please see attached Knowledge Base Article #4984
Hi, In the following video step by step process has been shown how to Connect Cisco Router or Switch using PuTTY and Console Cable as well as how to Change Text Color, Font Size, Background color permanently on PuTTY.
First Download and install PuTTY (emulator terminal software) from
Step 1: Attach the DV9 Female end of Console cable with the DV9 Male end of the USB to DV9 Serial Converter and then connect the RJ54 connector end of the Console cable to the Cisco router or Switch. First check the COM port number
Step 2: Check the COM Port number: => Go Device Manager->Port (COM & LPT)-> check USB Serial Port (COM port)
Step 3: Open Putty -> Select Connection Type to "Serial" -> in Serial Line change the COM port number exactly which we checked in step 2. -> click open and a black window will appear and press Enter finally it will access the Cisco Device. -> Type "enable" to go to privilege mode.
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