06:36 AM
- edited on
07:36 AM
The Enterprise Agreement (EA) onboarding process aims to equip customers with essential knowledge for effective asset management. These resources provide comprehensive guidance on EA principles and tools, enabling seamless EA-software management throughout its lifecycle to maximize investment returns.
Topics covered:
• EA Workspace Access & Smart Account Management
• License Generation
• Reports Generation
• License Migration
Follow the below links to access the video tutorials.
In this series you will learn the essentials on how to manage your Smart Account (user management and account structure), and how to access your EA Workspace.
In this series you will learn how to generate licenses, via the example of license generation for different solutions.
In this series you will learn everything about the EA consumption report and how you can set up consumption notifications that will be sent directly to your inbox.
In this series you will learn all concepts related to the license migration functionality of the EAWS, as well as how to perform license transfer between Virtual Accounts.
In this series you will learn the purpose of an Onboarding session and how to request support for your EA.
Please find below additional resources that will help you with your EA management:
Cisco Software Central
Cisco Enterprise Agreement
Enterprise Agreement Learning Center
Cisco Smart Account
Enterprise Agreement - FAQ
Consumption & TF Notification
For Secure Choice EA questions, contact EA Security Operations.
For Collaboration EA Support, contact EA Collaboration Operations.
For Cisco One, DNA and Data Center EA questions, contact EA Cisco One, Cisco DNA, and Data Center Operations.
For Enterprise Workspace Agreements access or Smart Account questions, contact Global Licensing Operations.
For Technical Support questions contact Cisco TAC at: +1-800-553-2447
Any query? Contact us!
The PAS Digital team is here for you. Reach us: pas_digital@cisco.com.
THta is great info. Thanks a lot
Great article , thanks for sharring
Great Content! Thank you for sharing the information.
Great content, very relevant and helpful.
That's exactly what we need. Wonderful! Everything relevant in one place. Thanks!
very good materials thanks for sharing the information. good job done
Very helpful!
The links provided are very helpful in learning how to navigate the world of Cisco licensing.
Helpful interesting content!
Great material, thanks for sharing
gretat jobs
Great read, very helpful. Thank you for sharing!
If it matters, I stumbled upon invalid URL after going to "Enterprise Agreement: Opening a case with EA Operations" and clicking:
Thanks for sharing. Great info about Licenses Migration, the videos were so interesting and usefull.
Thanks for sharing !!
Great information.
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