Hi experts,
I have two 6500 in VSS. I have WAN connection connected on port on Sup card on each chassis and they are in a port-channel. Sup is VS-SUP2T-10G and it is in slot 5. The ports are Gi1/5/3 and Gi2/5/3. IOS is 15.0(1)SY1
I am trying to apply queueing configuration on the interface but failed. I got this error message
(config-if)# wrr-queue bandwidth 1 80 20
HWIF-QOS: QoS configs are not allowed on VSL Portgroup
I googled and some threads say that in VSS I can't configure queueing on sup card ports. They are always disabled. Is it true? Is it only limitation on sup ports or is it on other ports as well?