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C2955 Console Authorization Failed

Ross Rehart
Level 1
Level 1

I have a client that has a WS-C2955T-12 switch he cannot access. When plugging into the console port, with known good console cable and settings in SecureCRT, I get an "% Authorization Failed". I hit enter and it gets the same error. The switch never gives me a chance to login. Can someone help either (a) with a reset to factory default w/o access or (b) password recovery on a WS-C2955T-12? Thanks in advance.

4 Replies 4

Yea - I looked at that. There is no "Mode" button on the 2955.

AAA might have been misconfigured in this switch.

If there is no Mode button then, password recovery should be similar to a router:

I had similar problem on a Cisco WS-C2940-8TF-S.

This whas the config before (obviously 123456 is just to cover private informations):


hostname 123456


enable secret level 15 0 123456

enable secret level 5 0 123456


username 123456A privilege 15 secret 0 123456

username 123456B privilege 15 secret 0 123456

username 123456C privilege 5 secret 0 123456



aaa new-model

aaa authentication login defaut local

aaa authorization exec default local




line con 0

line vty 0 4

exec-timeout 60 0

transport input ssh

line vty 5 15

exec-timeout 60 0

transport input ssh


I added these lines to solve it.

     conf terminal

     aaa authorization exec Console none

     line con 0

     authorization exec Console




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