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Cant console into Catalyst 4507

Level 1
Level 1

Hello All,

I have some strange problem while trying to use the console to configure Catalyst 4507, Im using rollover cable, normal serial setting (9600-8-none-1-none). Switch has 2 supervisor engines ( Supervisor II-Plus).

The problem is that, I can see everything on the console, normal booting sequence, IOS image decompression, all messages that show normal synchronisation with the other supervisor engine. then when it reaches the part when it says Press Enter to start, I cant type anything, i still can see all the messages (like when I pull the other supervisor engine out) it gives me the message that it was pulled out, yet I cant type anything. Same thing with the second sup-engine. Unfortunately, Telnet and Aux port are not set, so they are unusable.

Can anyone help please? All suggestions are welcomed.


49 Replies 49

Im at the client site now, I will try to reverse telnet into the switch. but before I do that here are some of the show commands that I could issue from the user exec mode, hope this could help

show bootvar

BOOT variable does not exist

CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist

BOOTLDR variable does not exist

Configuration register is 0x2101

Standby BOOT variable does not exist

Standby CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist

Standby BOOTLDR variable does not exist

Standby Configuration register is 0x2101

show bootflash:

-#- ED ----type---- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- ---------date/time--------- n


1   .. image        849A6430  CABF18   33 13024920 Feb 12 2006 22:40:15 +00:00 c


14237928 bytes available (13025048 bytes used)

show slavebootflash:

-#- ED ----type---- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- ---------date/time--------- n


1   .. image        93B32579  C2A9FC   30 12495228 Feb 9 2006 22:40:35 +00:00 ca


2   .. config       BE3AC713  C2B0D4    6     1622 Aug 5 2008 00:15:00 +00:00 st


14765868 bytes available (12497108 bytes used)

Level 1
Level 1


I have just run the reverse telnet procedure, it was unsuccessful, I go the following message

% Connection refused by remote host

Any ideas please?

this is what Im getting when booting from the secondary SUP

Press RETURN to get started!

00:00:02: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-6-INIT: Initializing as ACTIVE supervisor

00:00:22: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan

00:00:23: %C4K_IOSMODPORTMAN-6-MODULEONLINE: Module 2 (WS-X4013+ S/N: JAE1004UBAS Hw: 4.1) is online

00:00:30: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from memory by console

00:00:31: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --

Cisco IOS Software, Catalyst 4000 L3 Switch Software (cat4000-I9S-M), Version 12.2(25)EWA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Technical Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Fri 23-Sep-05 13:31 by ssearch

and also I cant type anything into the console....

Hi. You can't get that message from a console. That means you are doing something incorrectly.

You might have an authentication method problem on the AUX line, on the router you are remote logging from. Or maybe you forgot to allow login?

Do this on that router (if it's clean running config):

conf t

ena sec cisco

line vty 0 4

pass cisco


linex aux 0

pass cisco


transport input all

int lo 0

ip add


telnet 2017

(the port number for reverse telnet is 2000 + the number that you see from "sh line | in AUX|aux"


changing configuration register to 0x2102 on the 4507 would be nice


Thanks for your reply.

I followed your steps exactly, I got this output

Router#telnet 2001

Trying, 2001 ... Open

User Access Verification


Password OK

but I cant type anything, everything freezes there.

As for the conf reg, I cant change it, because I cant type anything at all.......

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