When I type the command "Show stack-power", I receive strange information that I have 23 switch and 16 power supply into my stack-power.
3 switch 3850-48PS stack together. 4 PS of 715 watts
IOS Version 03.06.02E
Power Stack Stack Stack Total Rsvd Alloc Unused Num Num
Name Mode Topolgy Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) SW PS
-------------------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ --- ---
M3000 SP-PS Ring 10000 -5851 *6509 *9342 23 16
*Marked power numbers are estimated due to the
Power Stack member's absence in the data stack.
I reboot the stack and the information for the stack is correct now
Power Stack Stack Stack Total Rsvd Alloc Unused Num Num
Name Mode Topolgy Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) SW PS
-------------------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ --- ---
M3000 SP-PS Ring 2860 39 2821 0 3 4
Did anyone have seen this bug ? I look at the corrects caveats for version 03.06.03E, no mention.