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Configuration Help

Tom Simanovich
Level 1
Level 1

I was reconfiguring my switches over the weekend to try to enable QoS to try to improve my voice quality with my new ShoreTel phone system.  Some of the commands I was trying to use on a port level were not working,

Not recognized on trunk ports:
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
mls qos trust dscp 

Not recognized on access ports:
mls qos trust dscp
auto qos voip trust


I was essentially following the instructions from this Cisco post:

That led me down the path of realizing that I needed to update my version of iOS.  However, I am not sure the best way to do this across 5 switches.  I have always used the CLI to configure these switches, so I have never configured a Management network / and the interface.  So a few questions that seem really easy

1. Is the best way to update the version of ios by using Cisco Network Assistant, which I assume needs the management interface?  
2.  Does the management interface VLAN have to be the same as the other configured VLANs on the switch?  For example, I have VLAN 30 (data) and VLAN 50 (voice) on each port.   

3.  When configuring the access ports I had configured no CDP enable, will this affect my ability to use the Cisco Network Agent, or is that just for monitoring?  (This feels like the easiest question)

4. My "core switch" is where the top 4 switches ultimate land, is there where I would plug my Management ports into, or can I just give my laptop a static IP and then use Cisco Network Discovery.



1 Reply 1

Tom Simanovich
Level 1
Level 1

Just to expound upon the commands that were not working, I did use the /? switch to see available commands, so for example, the mls qos trust dscp command, I entered mls qos trust /? and the only option was cos.

I globally configured the switches with:
lldp run
no lldp tlv-select power-management
mls qos
network-policy profile 50
voice vlan 50 dscp 46

All of these commands worked fine.  I was going to assign the network-policy 50 on each access port along with the commands of mls qos trust dscp, auto qos voip trust  too, but did not get to that step.

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